Etienne Balan     


Curriculum Vitae

2014- Professeur Université Pierre et Marie Curie / Sorbonne Université

2002-2014 Chargé de Recherche de l'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)

2000-02 Chercheur contractuel

1997-00 Thèse : "Cristallochimie des silicates a la surface de la Terre. Evolution de la kaolinite et du zircon dans les sédiments et les sols du bassin amazonien." Prix Haüy-Lacroix de la SFMC

1995-97 Coopérant ORSTOM au Brésil - Traçage minéralogique des processus d'altération.

1994-95 DEA Géochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée-UDD-IPGP

1993-94 Agrégation de Sciences Physiques option Chimie

1991-93 Elève de l ENS de Cachan - Cursus de physico-chimie moléculaire - Orsay

1988-90 Classes préparatoires Lycée Corneille Rouen

Main magnetite layer, Bushveld complex, South Africa, 2006


Thèmes de Recherche

Mes travaux de recherche se situent à l'interface entre Sciences de la Terre et Sciences Physiques. Ils ont pour objectif l'intégration des informations collectées à l'échelle atomique sur les minéraux dans une réflexion portant sur les processus géochimiques à plus grande échelle et le décryptage des archives solides du fonctionnement de la Terre. A cette fin, l'utilisation couplée d'outils spectroscopiques et d'outils de modélisation moléculaire permet de renouveler notre approche de la structure et des propriétés des défauts et impuretés naturellement présents dans les matériaux terrestres. Mes travaux concernent plus spécifiquement la compréhension de processus naturels fondamentaux tels que l'altération et la formation des sols à la surface de la Terre, la préservation des restes de vertébrés fossiles en milieu continental, l'analyse des mécanismes de fractionnement des isotopes stables, ou encore le statut de l'eau dans le manteau terrestre. Ils offrent également des perspectives plus appliquées, notamment au niveau de l'utilisation et de la valorisation des minerais et des minéraux industriels ou du stockage des déchets radioactifs.



Researcher ID

Tropical weathering processes: Insights from the mineral record
    • Spectroscopic investigation of mineralogical transformations in lateritic soils
    • ESR dating of kaolinite group minerals 
    • Metamictization and alterability of zircon

# Mathian M., Taitson-Bueno G., Balan E., Selo M., Fritsch E., Allard T. (2020) Kaolinite dating in Acrisol and Ferralsol from NW Amazonia (Brazil). Geoderma, accepted
# Mathian M., Aufort J., Braun J.-J., Riotte, Selo M., Balan E., Fritsch E., Bhattacharya S., Allard T. (2019) EPR dating of laterites from Western Ghats (India): a record of Asiatic monsoon strengthening. Gondwana Research, 69, 89-105
# Allard T., Gautheron C. Bressan-Riffel, Balan E., Selo M., Soares Fernandes B., Pinna-Jaime R., Morin G., Taitson Bueno G., Do Nascimento N. (2018) Dating goethites and kaolinites from ferruginous duricrusts of Central Amazonia (Brazil): a combined approach. Chemical Geology, 479, 136-150
# E. Balan, G. Calas, D.L. Bish (2014) Kaolin-group minerals: From hydrogen-bonded layers to environmental recorders. Elements, 10, 183-188.
# E. Balan, E. Fritsch, T. Allard, G. Morin, M. Guillaumet, S. Delattre, M. Blanchard, G. Calas (2011) Spectroscopic investigation and theoretical modeling of kaolinite-group minerals and other low-temperature phases. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 343, 177-187. abstract
# E. Fritsch, E. Balan, N. do Nascimento, T. Allard, M. Bardy, G. Bueno, S. Derenne, A. Melfi, G. Calas (2011) Deciphering the weathering processes using environmental mineralogy and geochemistry: Towards an integrated model of laterite and podzol genesis in the Upper Amazon Basin. Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 343, 188-198. abstract
# Delattre S., Utsunomiya S., Ewing R., Boeglin J.-L., Braun J.-J., Balan E., Calas G. (2007) Dissolution of radiation-damaged zircon in lateritic soils. American Mineralogist, 92, 1978-1989. abstract
# Balan E., Lazzeri M., Mauri F., Calas G. (2007) Structure, reactivity and spectroscopic properties of minerals from lateritic soils: Insights from ab initio calculations. European Journal of Soil Science, 58, 4, 870-881. abstract 
# Balan E., Fritsch E., Allard T., Calas G. (2007) Inheritance versus neoformation of kaolinite during lateritic soil formation: a case study in the middle Amazon basin. Clays and Clay Minerals, 55, 253-259. abstract 
# Balan E., Allard T., Fritsch E., Selo M., Falgueres C., Chabaux F., Pierret M.-C., Calas G. Formation and evolution of lateritic profiles in the middle Amazon basin: Insights from radiation-induced defects in kaolinite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, 69, 2193-2204. abstract 
# E. Fritsch, G. Morin, A. Bedidi, D. Bonnin, E. Balan, S. Caquineau, G. Calas. Transformation of haematite and Al-poor goethite to Al-rich goethite and associated yellowing in a ferralitic clay soil profile of the middle Amazon basin (Manaus, Brazil). European Journal of Soil Science, 2005, 56, 575-588.
# L. Nasdala, P. W. Reiners, J.I. Garver, A.K. Kennedy, R.A. Stern, E. Balan, R. Wirth. Incomplete retention of radiation damage in zircon from Sri Lanka. American Mineralogist, 2004, 89, 219-231. abstract
# I. Farnan, E. Balan, C. Pickard, F. Mauri. The Effect of Radiation Damage on Local Structure in Crystalline ZrSiO4: Investigating the 29Si NMR Response to Pressure in Zircon and Reidite. American Mineralogist, 2003, 88, 1663-1668. abstract 
# E. Balan, F. Mauri, C. Pickard, I. Farnan, G. Calas. The aperiodic states of zircon: an ab initio molecular dynamics study. American Mineralogist, 2003, 88, 1769-1778. abstract 
# Fritsch, E., Montes-Lauar, C.R., Boulet, R., Melfi, A.J., Balan, E., Magat , Ph.. Lateritic and redoximorphic features in fractured soils and sediments of the Manaus plateaus, Brazil. European Journal of Soil Science, 2002, 53, 203-218. abstract
# Balan, E., Neuville, D.R., Trocellier , P., Fritsch, E., Muller, J.-P., Calas, G. Metamictization and chemical durability of detrital zircon. American Mineralogist, 2001,86, 1025-1033.  abstract 
# E. Balan, F. Mauri, J.-P. Muller, G. Calas. First principles study of water adsorption on the (100) surface of zircon: Implications for zircon dissolution. American Mineralogist, 2001, 86, 910-914. abstract
# E. Balan, P. Trocellier, J. Jupille, E. Fritsch, J.-P. Muller, G. Calas. Surface chemistry of weathered zircons. Chemical Geology, 2001, 181, 13-22. abstract
# Boulet R., Fritsch E., Filizola H.F., de Araujo Filho J.C., Leprun J.C., Baretto F., Balan E., Tessier D. Iron bands, fragipan and duripan in the north eastern plateaux of Brazil - Structure, mineralogy and genesis.Canadian Journal of Soil Science 1998 v 78 n 3 p 519 abstract

Lateritic profile with hydromorphic features, Manaus, Brazil
Crystal-chemistry of water and OH groups in minerals
    • Thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of hydrous minerals                            
    • Infrared spectroscopy of OH groups in nominally anhydrous minerals                   
    • Interfacial properties of water at mineral surfaces                   
# Jollands M, Blanchard M., Balan E. (2020) Structure and infrared spectra of OH-defects in quartz. European Journal of Mineralogy, in press
# Balan E., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Ingrin J. (2017) Theoretical Raman spectrum and anharmonicity of tetrahedral OH defects in hydrous forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 201-212.
# Blanchard M., Ingrin J., Balan E., Kovacs I., Withers A.C. (2017) Effect of iron and trivalent cations on OH-defects in olivine. American Mineralogist, 102, 302-311.
# Laporte S., Finocchi F., Paulatto L., Blanchard M., Balan E., Guyot F., Saitta A.M. (2015) Strong electric fields at a prototypical oxide/water interface probed by ab initio molecular dynamics: MgO(001). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(31):20382-90. DOI: 10.1039/C5CP02097B
# Ingrin J., Kovacs I., Deloule E., Balan E., Blanchard M., Kohn S.C., Hermann J. (2014) Identification of hydrogen defects linked to boron substitution in synthetic forsterite and natural olivine. American Mineralogist (Letter), 99, 2138-2141.
# Crepisson, C., Blanchard, M., Bureau, H., Sanloup, C., Withers, A.C., Khodja, H., Surble., Raepsaet, C., Beneut, K., Leroy, C., Giura, P., Balan, E. (2014) Clumped fluoride-hydroxyl defects in forsterite: Implications for the upper-mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 390, 287-295.
# Crepisson C., Bureau H., Blanchard M., Ingrin J., Balan E. (2014) Theoretical infrared spectrum of partially protonated cationic vacancies in forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 203-210.
# Balan E., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Ingrin J. (2014) Contribution of interstitial OH groups to the incorporation of water in forsterite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals,41, 105-114.
# Blanchard M., Roberge M., Balan E., Fiquet G., Bureau H. (2013) Infrared signatures of OH-defects in wadsleyite: a first-principles study. American Mineralogist, 98, 2132-2143
# Balan E., Yi H., Blanchard M. (2013) First-principles study of OH-defects in zircon. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 547-554.
#Ingrin J., Liu J., Depecker C., Kohn S.C., Balan E., Grant K.J. (2013) Low-temperature evolution of OH bands in synthetic forsterite, implication for the nature of H-defects at high pressure Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 499-510.
# Balan E., Blanchard M., Yi H., Ingrin J.(2013) Theoretical study of OH-defects in pure enstatite Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 40, 41-50. abstract
# Welch M.D., Montgomery W., Balan E., Lerch P. (2012) Insights into the high-pressure behavior of kaolinite from infrared spectroscopy and quantum-mechanical calculations. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 143-151. abstract
# Delattre S., Balan E., Lazzeri M., Blanchard M., Guillaumet M., Beyssac O., Haussuhl E., Winkler B., Salje E.K.H., Calas G. (2012) Experimental and theoretical study of the vibrational properties of diaspore (a-AlOOH). Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 39, 93-102 . abstract
# Balan E., Ingrin J., Delattre S., Kovacs I., Blanchard M. (2011) Theoretical infrared spectrum of OH-defects in forsterite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 23, 285-292. abstract
# Balan E., Delattre S., Guillaumet M., Salje E.K.H. (2010) Low-temperature infrared spectroscopic study of OH stretching modes in kaolinite and dickite. American Mineralogist, 95, 1257-1266. abstract
# Blanchard M., Balan E., Wright K. (2009) Incorporation of water in iron-free ringwoodite: a first-principles study. American Mineralogist, 94, 83-89. abstract
# Balan E., Refson K., Blanchard M., Delattre S., Lazzeri M., Ingrin J., Mauri F., Wright K., Winkler B. (2008) Theoretical infrared absorption coefficient of OH groups in minerals. American Mineralogist, 93, 950-953. abstract
# Balan E., Blanchard M., Hochepied J.-F., Lazzeri M. (2008) Surface modes in the infrared spectrum of hydrous minerals: the OH stretching modes of bayerite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 35, 279-285. abstract 
# Balan E., Lazzeri M., Delattre S., Meheut M., Refson K., Winkler B. (2007) Anharmonicity of inner-OH stretching modes in hydrous phyllosilicates: Assessment from first-principles frozen-phonon calculations Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 34, 621-625. abstract 
# Reynard B., Hilairet N., Balan E., Lazzeri M. (2007) Elasticity of serpentines and extensive serpentinization in subduction zones. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 34, No. 13, L13307. abstract 
# G. Ferlat, L. Cormier, F. Mauri, E. Balan, T. Charpentier, E. Anglada and G. Calas Ab-initio calculations on borate systems. European Journal of Glass Science and Technology B, 2006, 4, 441-444. 
# Balan E., Lazzeri M., Morin G., Mauri F. First-principles study of the OH stretching modes of gibbsite. American Mineralogist, 2006, 91, 115-119. abstract
# E. Balan, M. Lazzeri, A.M. Saitta, T. Allard, Y. Fuchs, F. Mauri. First-principles study of OH stretching modes in kaolinite, dickite and nacrite. American Mineralogist, 2005, 90, 50-60. abstract  
# E. Balan, F. Mauri, C. Lemaire, C. Brouder, F. Guyot, A. M. Saitta, B. Devouard. Multiple ionic plasmon resonances in naturally-occurring multiwall nanotubes: infrared spectra of chrysotile asbestos. Physical Review Letters, 2002, 89, 177401.  abstract 
# E. Balan, A. M. Saitta, F. Mauri, C. Lemaire, F. Guyot. First-principles calculation of the infrared spectrum of lizardite. American Mineralogist, 2002, 87, 1286-1290. abstract
# E. Balan, A. M. Saitta, F. Mauri, G. Calas. First-principles modeling of the infrared spectrum of kaolinite. American Mineralogist, 2001, 86, 1321-1330. abstract

                 Kaolinite particles, Manaus
First-principles modeling of isotopic fractionation mechanisms

# Balan E., Creon L., Sanloup C., Aleon J., Blanchard M., Paulatto L., Bureau H. (2019) First-principles modeling of chlorine isotope fractionation between chloride-bearing molecules and minerals. Chemical Geology, 525, 424-434.
# Saldi G.D., Noireaux J., Louvat P., Faure L., Balan E., Schott J., Gaillardet J. (2018) Boron isotopic fractionation during adsorption by calcite - Implication for the seawater pH proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 240, 255-273
# Ducher M., Blanchard M., Pietrucci F., Balan E. (2018) Equilibrium isotopic fractionation of aqueous Zn from first-principles calculations. Chemical Geology, 483, 342-350
# Balan E., Noireaux J., Mavromatis V., Saldi G., Montouillout V., Blanchard M., Pietrrucci F., Gervais C., Rustad J.R., Schott J., Gaillardet J. (2018) Theoretical isotopic fractionation between structural boron in carbonates and aqueous boric acid and borate ion. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 222, 117-129
# Aufort J., Segalen L., Gervais C., Paulatto L., Blanchard M., Balan E. (2017) Site-specific equilibrium isotopic fractionation of oxygen, carbon and calcium in apatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 219, 57-73.
# Ducher M., Blanchard M., Balan E. (2016) Equilibrium zinc isotope fractionation in Zn-bearing minerals from first-principles calculations. Chemical Geology, 443, 87-96.
# Pinilla C., Blanchard M., Balan E., Vuilleumier R., Mauri F. (2015) Equilibrium magnesium isotope fractionation between Mg2+(aq) and carbonate minerals: insights from path integral molecular dynamics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 163, 126-139.
# Blanchard M., Dauphas N., Hu M.Y., Roskoz M., Alp E.E., Golden D.C., Sio S.K., Tissot F.L.H., Zhao J., Gao L., Morris R.V., Fornace M., Floris A., Lazzeri M., Balan E. (2015) Reduced partition function ratios of iron and oxygen in goethite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 151, 19-33.
# Balan E., Blanchard M., Pinilla C., Lazzeri M. (2014) First-principles modeling of sulfate incorporation and 34S/32S isotopic fractionation in different calcium carbonates. Chemical Geology, 374-375, 84-91.
# Pinilla C., Blanchard M., Balan E., Ferlat G., Vuilleumier R., Mauri F. (2014) Equilibrium isotope fractionation of H and O isotopes from path integral molecular dynamics. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 135, 203-216.
# Blanchard M., Poitrasson F., Meheut M., Lazzeri M., Mauri F., Balan E. (2012) Comment on "New data on equilibrium iron isotope fractionation among sulfides: Constraints on mechanisms of sulfide formation in hydrothermal and igneous systems" by V.B. Polyakov and D.M. Soultanov. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 87, 356-359.
# Javoy M., Balan E., Meheut M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M. (2012) First-principles investigation of equilibrium isotopic fractionation of O- and Si-isotopes between refractory solids and gases in the solar nebula. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319/320,118-127. abstract 
# Blanchard M., Morin G., Lazzeri M., Balan E. (2010) First-principles study of the structural and isotopic properties of Al and OH-bearing hematite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3948-3962. abstract 
# Meheut M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Mauri F. (2010) First-principles calculation of H/D isotopic fractionation between hydrous minerals and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 3874-3882. abstract 
# Blanchard M., Poitrasson F., Meheut M., Lazzeri M., Mauri F. Balan E. (2009) Iron isotope fractionation between pyrite (FeS2), hematite (Fe2O3) and siderite (FeCO3): A first-principles density functional theory study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73,6565-6578. abstract 
# Balan E., Cartigny P., Blanchard M, Cabaret D., Lazzeri M., Mauri F. (2009) Theoretical investigation of the anomalous equilibrium fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes during adsorption. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 284, 88-93. abstract 
# Meheut M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Mauri F. (2009) Structural control over equilibrium silicon and oxygen isotopic fractionation: A first-principles density-functional theory study; Chemical Geology, 258, 28-37. abstract 
# Meheut M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Mauri F. (2007) Equilibrium isotopic fractionation between kaolinite, quartz and water: prediction from first-principles density-functional theory. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3170-3181. abstract

Physical-chemistry of transition and trace elements in minerals and aqueous solutions  
    • Crystal-chemistry of Fe-Ti oxides
    • Substitutions in clay minerals
# Crepisson C., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Sanloup C. (2018) New constraints on Xe incorporation mechanisms in olivine from first-principles calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 222, 146-155
# Ducher M., Pietrucci F., Balan E., Ferlat G., Paulatto L., Blanchard M. (2017) Van der Waals contribution to the relative stability of aqueous Zn(2+) coordination states. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13, 3340-3347.
# Blanchard M., Balan E., Giura P., Beneutt K., Yi H., Morin G., Pinilla C., Lazzeri M., Floris A. (2014) Infrared spectroscopic properties of goethite: anharmonic broadening, long-range electrostatic effects and Al substitution. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 289-302.
# Blanchard M., Morin G., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Dabo I. (2012) First-principles simulation of arsenate adsorption on the (1-12) surface of hematite. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 86, 182-195
# Bordage A., Balan E., de Villiers J.P.R., Cromarty R., Juhin A., Carvallo C., Calas G., Sunder Raju P.V., Glatzel P. (2011) V oxidation state in Fe-Ti oxides by high-energy resolution fluorescence detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 449-458. abstract
# Bordage A., Brouder C., Balan E., Cabaret D., Juhin A., Arrio M.-A., Sainctavit Ph., Calas G., Glatzel P. (2010) Electronic structure and local environment of substitutional V3+ in grossular garnet Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 : K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and first-principles modeling. American Mineralogist, 95, 1161-1171. abstract
# Juhin A., Brouder Ch., Arrio M-A., Cabaret D., Sainctavit Ph., Balan E., Bordage A., Seitsonen A.P., Calas G., Eeckhout S. G., and Glatzel P. (2008) X-ray Natural Linear Dichroism in cubic compounds : the case of substitutional Cr3+ in spinel, Physical Review B, 78 195103 abstract
# Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Mauri F., Balan E. (2008) First-principles calculation of the infrared spectrum of hematite. American Mineralogist, 93, 1019-1027 abstract
# De Villiers J.P.R., Balan E., Calas G., Bessinger D., Eeckhout S., Glatzel P. (2008) The determination of Ti2O3 in titania slags: a comparison of different methods of analysis. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 117, 166-170.
# E. Balan, J.P.R. de Villiers, S.G. Eeckhout, P. Glatzel, M. Toplis, E. Fritsch, T. Allard, L. Galoisy, G. Calas The oxidation state of vanadium in titanomagnetite from layered basic intrusions. American Mineralogist, 2006, 91, 953-956. abstract
# E. Balan, T. Allard, G. Morin , G. Calas. Incorporation of Cr3+ in dickite: a spectroscopic study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 2002, 4, 273-279. abstract
# G. Morin, T. Allard, E. Balan, Ph. Ildefonse, G. Calas. Native Cd+ in sedimentary fluorapatite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2002, 14, 1087-1094. abstract
# A. Djemai, E. Balan, G. Morin, G. Hernandez, J.-C. Labbe, J.-P. Muller. Behavior of Paramagnetic Iron during the Thermal Transformations of Kaolinite Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2001, 84, 1017-1024. abstract 
# Balan E. , Allard T., Boizot B., Morin G., Muller J.-P. Quantitative measurement of paramagnetic Fe3+ in kaolinite. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2000, 48, 4, 439-445 abstract 
# Balan E. , Allard T., Boizot B., Morin G., Muller J.-P. Structural Fe3+ in natural kaolinites: New insights from electron paramagnetic resonance spectra fitting at X and Q-band frequencies. Clays and Clay Minerals, 1999, 47, 605-616 abstract 
# S. Rossano, E. Balan, G. Morin, J.-Ph. Bauer, G. Calas, Ch. Brouder 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy of tektites Physics and chemistry of minerals 1999, 26, 530-538 abstract

Bio-mineralogy: Crystal-chemistry of apatite-group minerals and other biomaterials.

# Viennet J.C., Bernard S., Jacquemot P., Le Guillou C., Balan E., Delbes L., Jaber M. (2020) Influence of the atmosphere composition on the degradation of organic compounds during fossilization processes. Applied Clay Science, accepted
# Viennet J.C., Bernard S., Jacquemot P., Le Guillou C., Balan E., Delbes L., Daval D., Rigaud B., Georgelin T., Jaber M. (2019) Searching for organic biosignatures on Mars: experimental perspectives. Geochemical Perspective Letters, 12, 28-33.
# Aufort J., Gommery D., Gervais C., Segalen L., Labourdette N., Coelho-Diogo C., Balan E. (2019) Assessing bone transformation in late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene deposits of Kenya and South Africa. Archaeometry,61, 1129-1143.
# Aufort J., Gervais C., Segalen L., Labourdette N., Coelho-Diogo C., Baptiste B., Beyssac O., Amiot R., Lécuyer C., Balan E. (2019) Atomic scale transformation of bone in controlled aqueous alteration experiments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; 526, 80-95.
# Balan E., Aufort J., Saldi G.D., Brouder Ch., Lazzeri M. (2018) Line-broadening and anharmonic effects in the attenuated total reflectance infrared spectra of calcite. European Journal of Mineralogy, 31, 73-81.
#Aufort J., Lebon M., Gallet X., Segalen L., Gervais C., Brouder C., Balan E. (2018) Macroscopic electrostatic effects in the ATR-FTIR spectra of modern and archaeological bones. American Mineralogist (Letter), 103, 326-329
# Radtke G., Taverna D., Lazzeri M., Balan E. (2017) First-principles vibrational electron energy loss spectroscopy of beta-guanine. Physical Review Letters 119, 027402.
# Balan E., Aufort J., Pouille S., Dabos M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Rollion-Bard C., Blamart D. (2017) Infrared spectroscopic study of sulfate-bearing calcite from deep-sea bamboo coral. European Journal of Mineralogy (accepted)
# Balan E., Pietrucci F., Gervais C., Blanchard M., Schott J., Gaillardet J. (2016) First-principles study of boron speciation in calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 193, 119-131 .
# Aufort J., Segalen L., Gervais C., Brouder C., Balan E. (2016) Modeling the attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrum of apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 615-626.
# Chevrinais M., Balan E., Cloutier R. (2016) New insights in the ontogeny and taphonomy of the Devonian acanthodian Triazeugacanthus affinis from the Miguasha Fossil-Lagerstatte, eastern Canada. Minerals, 6(1), 1; doi:10.3390/min6010001
# Bernard S., Benzerara K., Beyssac O., Balan E., Brown G.E. Jr. (2015) Evolution of the macromolecular structure of sporopollenin during thermal degradation. Heliyon, 1, e00034
# Zeyen N., Benzerara K., Li J., Groleau A., Balan E., Robert J.-L., Esteve I., Tavera R., Moreira D., Lopez-Garcia P. (2015) Formation of low-T hydrated silicates in modern microbialites from Mexico and implications for microbial fossilization. Frontiers in Earth Science, 3:64. doi: 10.3389/feart.2015.00064
# Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Segalen L., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M. (2014) Theoretical study of the local charge compensation and spectroscopic properties ofcarbonate defects in apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 41, 347-359.
# Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Segalen L., Roche D., Fayon F., Person A., Morin G., Babonneau F. (2014) Probing atomic scale transformation of fossil enamel using FTIR and NMR spectroscopy: A case study from the Tugen Hills (Rift Gregory, Kenya). Acta Biomaterialia, 10, 3952-3958.
# Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Segalen L., Fayon F., Roche D., Person A., Morin G., Guillaumet M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Babonneau F. (2013) A carbonate-fluoride defect model for carbonate-rich fluorapatite. American Mineralogist, 98, 1066-1069.
# Balan E., Delattre S., Roche D., Segalen L., Morin G., Guillaumet M., Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Brouder C., Salje E.K.H. (2011) Line-broadening effects in the powder infrared spectrum of apatite. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 111-122 abstract
# Roche D., Segalen L., Balan E., Delattre S. (2010) Preservation assessment of Miocene-Pliocene tooth enamel from Tugen Hills (Kenyan Rift Valley) through FTIR, chemical and stable-isotope analyses. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37, 1690-1699 abstract

Radiation-induced defects in minerals

# Laine M., Balan E., Allard T. Paineau E., Jeunesse P., Mostafavi M., Robert J.-L., Le Caer S. (2017) Influence of the nature of swelling clay and of the water amount on H2 production under ionizing radiation: implications for the geological nuclear waste management. RSC Advances, 7, 526-534.
# Laine M., Allard T., Balan E., Martin F., Von Bardeleben H.J., Robert J.-L., Le Caer S. (2016) Reaction mechanisms in talc under ionizing radiation: evidence of a high stability of H atoms. Journal Physical Chemistry C, 120, 2087-2095
# Th. Allard, E. Balan, G. Calas, C. Fourdrin, E. Morichon, S. Sorieul (2012) Radiation-induced defects in clay minerals: a review. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 277, 112-120.
# Fourdrin C, Balan E., Allard T., Boukari C., Calas G. Induced modifications of kaolinite under ionizing radiation: an infrared spectroscopic study, 2009, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36, 291-299 abstract
# Dalmasso C., Iacconi P., Beauvy M., Lapraz D., Balan E., Calas G. Radiation damage induced by krypton ions in sintered alpha-Al2O3. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2006, 222-225.  abstract
# Th. Allard, Ph. Ildefonse, L. Perez del Villar, S. Sorieul, M. Pelayo, B. Boizot, E. Balan, G. Calas. Radiation-induced defects in dickites from the El Berrocal granitic system (Spain) : relation with past occurrence of natural radioelements. European Journal of Mineralogy, 2003, 15, 629-640. abstract

       Experimental tools
  • Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
  • Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  • Mössbauer spectroscopy
       Theoretical tools
  • First-principles modeling of minerals and geochemical processes (based on Density Functional Perturbation Theory)
    • Infrared and Raman spectra of minerals
    • Electrostatic modeling of shape-related effects in powder infrared spectra
    • Theoretical equilibrium fractionation factors of stable isotopes
                     codes : PWSCF, PARATEC, CPMD

  • Parameterized modeling of powder EPR spectra of transition elements
    • Determination of the spin Hamiltonian parameters
    • Modeling of disorder effects (distribution of fine structure parameters) 

zircon crystal, Alter do Chao formation, Manaus

       Enseignements / Teaching

  •  Methodes d'investigation des Materiaux (M2 SMNO, UPMC)
                Proprietes vibrationnelles des cristaux, Phonons
                Spectroscopie IR, spectroscopie Raman
  •  Bases disciplinaires (M1 Environnements Continentaux et Hydrosciences, UPMC)
                Atomistique et liaison chimique
                Thermodynamique chimique
  •  Minéralogie des sols (M1 Environnements Continentaux et Hydrosciences, UPMC)
                Minéraux argileux
                Oxydes et hydroxydes
                Diffraction des rayons X
                Spectroscopie infrarouge
  • Minéralogie (L3 Magistère des Sciences de la Terre, ENS)
               Chimie des minéraux
               Cristallochimie de l'eau dans les minéraux
  • Processus à l'échelle atomique (L3 Magistère des Sciences de la Terre, ENS)
               Notions de modélisation moléculaire
               Spectroscopies vibrationnelles
               Propriétés de surface des minéraux
               Propriétés magnétiques des minéraux
               Spectroscopie Mössbauer


Etienne Balan
Institut de Minéralogie et Physique des Milieux Condensés (IMPMC)

Tour 23-24 4eme etage,
case 115, 4 place Jussieu F-75252 PARIS cedex 05

E-mail: Etienne.Balan"at"

Tel: 33 1 44 27 74 52
Fax: 33 1 44 27 37 85







Etienne Balan     Modifié le 26 mars 2012