Directeur de recherches au CNRS
Institut de
Minéralogie, Physique des Matériaux et Cosmochimie (IMPMC)
UMR 7590 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - Sorbonne Université (Université Pierre et Marie CurieUPMC/Paris6/Sorbonne Universités) -
Institut de Recherches pour le Développement (IRD) - MNHN
Campus Jussieu, Tour 23, 5e étage, couloir 23-24, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Tel: +33 1 44
27 75 04 ; Fax: +33 1 44 27 37 85
Guillaume MORIN
à Diriger des Recherches à
l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) (2006)
“ Cristallochimie des
éléments traces
dans les milieux de basse température: Implications
et environnementales.”
Directeur de Recherches au CNRS (2009- )
Chargé de Recherches au CNRS (1996-2009)
(1994-1996) CEA VALRHO, Marcoule “Métaux
lourds dans les minéraux et les verres de stockage de
déchets radioactifs.”
Doctorat de Géochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée
de l’Université Paris 7 (1994)
“Cristallochimie du fer dans les bauxites.
Application au gisement de Bidi-Koum, Guinée”
de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de
Nancy (1991)
Animation de la recherche:
de l'équipe
“Minéralogie Environnementale”
de l'IMPMC (2005 -)
Représentant de l’IMPMC pour la
Ile-de-France de Recherche en Environnement (FIRE) (2007 - )
Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'IMPMC (2005 -)
Membre nommé de la Commission sectorielle CSS1 de l'IRD (2009-2011)
Membre nommé de la Section 30 (Surface continentale et interfaces) du CN du
CNRS (2016-2021)
Membre nommé de la Section 20 (Surface continentale et interfaces) du CN du
CNRS (2005-2007)
Membre élu du Conseil Scientifique de l’UFR 918 UPMC « Terre Environnement Biodiversité » (2011-2018)
Membre des Commissions de Spécialistes de l’UFR 918 UPMC« Terre Environnement Biodiversité » (2011-)
Membre du Conseil Scientifique des lignes synchrotron CRG Françaises (2011-2020)
Membre du Stanford
Environmental Molecular Science Institute (2004-2008)
Membre de la Geochemical
Division de l'American Chemical Society (2006)
Editeur associé à European Journal of Mineralogy
Expert pour le Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, ANR, EC2CO-INSU
Coordination de 3 projets internationaux (CNRS-NSF, Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Lab)
Coordination de 8 projets nationaux (ACI/MESR,
Responsabilité de 5 contrats (semi-)privés
(Aluminium Pechiney, BRGM, ADEME, KNS)
Enseignement et
Co-Responsable du nouveau parcours HHGE du Master STEPE - Sorbonne Université, jusqu'en 2022
Responsable de l'ancien parcours "Géochimie Environnementale" du Master 2 SDUEE
Responsable 4TEH02 – Chimie environnementale, de HHGE
Responsable UE MU5TEH05 – Spéciation des éléments traces, qualité des sols et des eaux, de HHGE
Enseignements UE Physique et Chimie des Milieux Naturels du M2 Master Sciences des Matériaux et
Nano-objets de l’UPMC (2016 -)
Responsable UE Matériaux Biologie Environnement du M2 SMNO de l’UPMC (2010-2016)
Enseignements Master National Argiles (2009-2014)
5 Direction de Post-Doctorat - 10 Directions de thèses - 18 Co-encadrements de thèse
13 jurys de thèse dont 7 comme rapporteur et 1 comme président
5 jurys HDR dont 2 comme président
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
paper Award, American Mineralogist, Mineralogical Society of America
157 publications de rang A (scopus 8200 citations, indice h57),13 Proceedings, 4 chapitres de livres, 1 brevet
15 conférences invitées internationales
(American Geophysical Union, International Mineralogical
Association, Goldschmidt Conference,
Stanford Environmental Science Institute)
Collaborations principales
Ile de France en Environnement (FIRE) (METIS, ECOSYS)
des eaux (Paris 7)
CRG - FAME (Grenoble)
Rennes (CAREN)
IRSN (Fontenay aux Roses)
SAMBA Synchrotron Soleil (Orsay)
ISTERRE Grenoble
BRGM Orléans
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
Geological & Environmental Science (Stanford
Gemicrobiology Group (Tuebingen University)
EPFL Lausanne
Max Planck Institute, Berlin
Schuh-Frantz A.C., Mezzetti A., Setisonen A. P., Nélieu S.,
Balan E., Morin G., Carrier X. (2024) Investigating Nalidixic Acid
Adsorption onto Ferrihydrite and Maghemite Surfaces: Molecular-Level
Insights via Continuous-Flow FTIR-ATR Spectroscopy. New Journal of
Chemistry (in press)
Bourbon E., Averseng F., Le Pape P., Allard T., Baratelli F., Alliot
F., Gélabert A., Rollot V., Guigon E., Brest J., Nélieu S., Morin G.
(2024) Non-Hydroxyl Radical Species Production during Dark Air
Oxidation of Alluvial Soils. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 8,
Bollaert Q., Chassé M., Morin G., Baptiste B., Courtin A.,
Galoisy L., Landrot G., Quantin C., Calas G. (2024) Atomic-scale
environment of niobium in ore minerals as revealed by XANES and EXAFS
at the Nb K-edge. European Journal of Mineralogy 36, 55–72, 2024.
Thery G., Juillot F., Calmels D., Bollaert Q., Meyer M., Quiniou
T., David M., Jourand M., Ducousso M., Fritsch E., Landrot G.,
Morin G., Quantin C. (2024) Heating effect on chromium speciation and
mobility in Cr-rich soils: A snapshot from New Caledonia. Science of
the total Environment 922, 171037. DOI :
Juillot F. Noël V., Louvat P., Gelabert A.,
Jouvin D., Göttlicher J., Belin S., Müller B., Morin G., Voegelin, A.
(2023) Can Zn isotopes in sediments record past eutrophication of
freshwater lakes? A pilot study at Lake Baldegg (Switzerland). Chemical
Geology 620, 121321. DOI : 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121321
Truong C., Bernard S ., Le Pape P., Morin G., Baya C., Merrot P.,
Gorlas A., Guyot F. (2023) Production of carbon-containing pyrite
spherules induced by hyperthermophilic Thermococcales: a biosignature?
Frontiers in Microbiology 25 May 2023, DOI : 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1145781
Lefebvre P., Mangeret A., Gourgiotis A., Louvat P., Le Pape P.,
Sabatier P., Diez O., Cazala C., Gaillardet J., Morin G. (2023)
Geochemical Controls on the Uranium Cycle in a Lake Watershed. ACS
Earth and Space Chemistry 7, 972-985.
Morin G., Averseng F., Carrier X., Le Pape P., Du Y., HongE Y., Bourbon
E., Sportelli G., A. Da Silva T., Mezzetti A., Baya
C., Allard T., Brest J., Rouelle M. (2023) Phosphate Boosts
Nonhydroxyl Radical Species Production upon Air Oxidation of Magnetite
and Iron Sulfides at Neutral pH. Journal of Physcical Chemistry C 127,
Marques K.P.P., Allard T., Gautheron C., Baptiste B.,
Pinna-Jamme R., Morin G., Delbes L., Vidal-Torrado P. (2023) Supergene
phases from ferruginous duricrusts: non-destructive microsampling and
mineralogy prior to (U-Th)/He geochronological analysis. European
Journal of Mineralogy 35, 383-395.
Lefebvre P., Le Pape P., Mangeret A.,
Gourgiotis A., Sabatier P., Louvat P., Diez O., Mathon O., Hunault
M.O.J.Y., Baya C., Darricau L., Cazala C., Bargar J.R., Gaillardet J.,
Morin G. (2022) Uranium sorption to organic matter and long-term
accumulation in a pristine alpine wetland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 338, 322-346.
Baya C., Le Pape P., Baptiste B., Menguy N., Delbes L., Morand M.,
Rouelle M., Aubry E., Ona-Nguema G., Noël V., Juillot F., Morin G.
(2022) A methodological framework to study the behavior and kinetic
influence of V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se and Mo during pyritization
via the polysulfide pathway at ambient temperature. Chemical Geology
613, 121139.
Seder-Colomina M., Mangeret A., Bauda P., Brest J., Stetten L., Merrot
P., Julien A., Diez O., Barker E., Billoir E., Poupin P., Thouvenot A.,
Cazala C., Morin G. (2022) Influence of microorganisms on uranium
release from mining-impacted lake sediments under various oxygenation
conditions. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24, 1830.
DOI: 10.1039/d2em00104g
Merrot P., Juillot F., Flipo L., Tharaud M., Viollier E., Noël V., Le
Pape P., Fernandez J-M., Moreton B., Morin G. (2022) Bioavailability of
chromium, nickel, iron and manganese in relation to their speciation in
coastal sediments downstream of ultramafic catchments: A case study in
New Caledonia. Chemosphere 302, 134643.
Heller B.M., Bressan Riffel S., Allard T., Morin G., Jean-Yves Roig
J-Y, Renaud Couëffé R., Aertgeerts G., Derycke A., Ansart C.,
Pinna-Jamme R., Gautheron C. (2022) Reading the climate signals hidden
in bauxite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 323, 40-73.
Gorlas A., T. Mariotte, L. Morey, C. Truong, S. Bernard, J.-M. Guigner,
J. Oberto, F. Baudin, G. Landrot, C. Baya, P. Le Pape, G. Morin, P.
Forterre, F. Guyot (2022) Precipitation of greigite and pyrite induced
by Thermococcales: an advantage to live in Fe- and S-rich environments?
Environmental Microbiology 24, 626-642.
Merrot P., Juillot F., Le Pape P., Lefebvre P.,
Brest J., Kieffer I., Menguy N., Viollier E., Fernandez J-M., Moreton
B., Radakovitch O., Morin G. (2021) Comparative Cr and Mn speciation
across a shore-to-reef gradient in lagoon sediments downstream of
Cr-rich Ferralsols upon ultramafic rocks in New Caledonia. Journal of
Geochemical Exploration 229, 106845. Oct 2021. DOI :
Battaglia-Brunet F., Casiot C., Fernandez-Rojo L., Hery M., Le Pape P.,
Tris H., Morin G., Touzé S., Joulian C. (2021) Laboratory-Scale
Bio-treatment of real arsenic-rich acid mine drainage. Water Air and
Soil Pollution 232 (8), 330. DOI : 10.1007/s11270-021-05276-z
Lefebvre P., Sabatier P., Mangeret A., Gourgiotis A., Le Pape P.,
Develle A-L., Louvat P., Diez O., Reyss J-L., Gaillardet J., Cazala C.,
Morin G. (2021) Climate-driven fluxes of organic-bound uranium to an
alpine lake over the Holocene. Science of the Total Environment 783,
146878. DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146878
Baya C., Le Pape P., Baptiste B., Brest J., Landrot G., Elkaïm E., Noël
V., Blanchard M., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F., Morin G. (2021) Influence
of trace level As or Ni on pyrite formation kinetics at low
temperature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 300, 333-353. DOI
Lefebvre P., Gourgiotis A., Mangeret A., Sabatier P., Le Pape P., Diez
O., Louvat P., Menguy N., Merrot P., Baya C., Zebracki M., Blanchart
P., Malet E., Jézéquel D., Reyss J.L., Bargar J.R., Gaillardet J.,
Cazala C., Morin G. (2021) Diagenetic formation of uranium-silica
polymers in lake sediments over 3,300 years. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118,
e2021844118. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2021844118
Le Pape P., Stetten L., M.O.J.Y. Hunault,
Mangeret A., Brest J., Boulliard J-C., Morin G. (2020) HERFD-XANES
spectroscopy at the U M4-edge applied to the analysis of U oxidation
state in a heavily contaminated wetland soil. Applied Geochemistry 122,
104714. DOI : 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2020.104714 – nov202
Ona-Nguema G, Guerbois D, Pallud C, Brest J, Abdelmoula M, Morin G
(2020) Biogenic Fe(II-III) Hydroxycarbonate Green Rust Enhances Nitrate
Removal and Decreases Ammonium Selectivity during Heterotrophic
Denitrification. Minerals 10, 818. DOI : 10.3390/min10090818
Mangeret A., Reyss J-L., Seder-Colomina M., Stetten L., Morin G.,
Thouvenot N., Souhaut M., van Beek P. (2020) Early diagenesis of radium
226 and radium 228 in lacustrine sediments influenced by former mining
sites. Journal of environmental Radioactivity 222, 196324. DOI :
10.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106324 – oct 2020
Gourgiotis A., Mangeret A., Manhes G., Blanchart P., Stetten L., Morin
G., Le Pape P., Lefebvre P., Le Coz M., Cazala C. (2020) New Insights
into Pb Isotope Fingerprinting of U-Mine Material Dissemination in the
Environment: Pb Isotopes as a Memory Dissemination Tracer.
Environmental Science and Technology 54, 797-806.DOI :
10.1021/acs.est.9b04828 – 10 dec 2019
Stetten L., Lefebvre P., Le Pape P., Mangeret A., Blanchart P.,
Merrot P., Brest J., Julien A., Bargar J., Cazala C., Morin G. (2020)
Experimental redox transformations of uranium phosphate minerals and
mononuclear species in a contaminated wetland. Journal of Hazardous
Materials 384, 121362. DOI : 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.121362 – 15
fev 2020
Merrot P., Juillot F., Noël V., Lefebvre P., Brest J., Menguy N.,
Guigner J.M., Blondeau M., Viollier E., Fernandez J.M., Moreton B.,
Bargar J.R., Morin G. (2019) Nickel and iron partitioning between clay
minerals, Fe-oxides and Fe-sulfides in lagoon sediments from New
Caledonia. Science of the Total Environment 689, 1212–1227. DOI:
Zeyen N., Benzerara K., Menguy N., Brest J. Templeton A.S., Webb S.M.,
Gérard E., Moreira M., López-García P., Tavera R., Morin G. (2019)
Fe-bearing phases in modern lacustrine microbialites from Mexico.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 201-230. DOI:
Asta M., Wang Y., Frutschi M., Viacava K., Loreggian L., Le Pape P., Vo
P.L., Fernandez A.M., Morin G., Bernier-Latmani R. (2019)
Microbially-mediated release of As from Mekong Delta peat sediments.
Environmental Science and Technology 53, 10208-10217. DOI:
Fernandez-Rojo L., Casiot C., Laroche E., Tardy V., Bruneel O., Delpoux
S., Desoeuvre A., Grapin G., Savignac J., Boisson J., Morin G.,
Battaglia-Brunet F., Joulian C., Hery M. (2019) A field-pilot for
passive bioremediation of As-rich acid mine drainage. Journal of
Environmental Management 232, 910-918. DOI:
Hajji S., Montes-Hernandez G., Sarret G., Tordo A., Morin G.,
Ona-Nguema G., Bureau S., Turki T., Mzoughi N. (2019) Arsenite and
chromate sequestration onto ferrihydrite, siderite and goethite
nanostructured minerals: Isotherms from flow-through reactor
experiments and XAS measurements. Journal of Hazardous Materials 362,
Stetten L, Blanchart P., Mangeret A., Lefebvre P., Le Pape P.,
Brest J., Merrot P., Julien A., Proux O., Webb S.M., Bargar J.R.,
Cazala C., Morin G. (2018) Redox fluctuations and organic complexation
govern uranium redistribution from U(IV)-phosphate minerals in a
mining-polluted wetland soil, Brittany, France. Environmental Science
and Technology 52, 13099-13109. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b03031
Le Pape P., Blanchard M., Juhin A., Rueff J-P., Ducher M., Morin G.,
Cabaret D. (2018) Local environment of arsenic in sulfide minerals:
insight from high-resolution X-Ray spectroscopies and first-principle
calculations at the As K-edge. Journal of Analytical Atomic
Spectrometry 33, 2070-2082. DOI : 10.1039/C8JA00272J
Fernandez-Rojo L., Casiot C., Tardy V., Laroche E., Le Pape P., Morin
G., Joulian C., Battaglia-Brunet F., Braungardt C., Desoeuvre A.,
Delpoux S., Boisson J., Héry M. (2018) Hydraulic retention time
affects bacterial community structure in an As-rich acid mine drainage
(AMD) biotreatment process. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102,
9803–9813. DOI : 10.1007/s00253-018-9290-0
Bonnot C.A., Gelabert A., Louvat P., Morin G., Proux O., Benedetti M.F.
(2018) Trace metals dynamics under contrasted land uses: contribution
of statistical, isotopic, and EXAFS approaches. Environmental Science
and Pollution Research 25, 23383-23403. DOI : 10.1007/s11356-016-6901-0
Seder-Colomina M., Mangeret A., Stetten L., Merrot P., Diez O., Julien
A., Barker E., Thouvenot A., Bargar J. R., Cazala C., Morin G.
(2018) Carbonate facilitated mobilization of uranium from lacustrine
sediments under anoxic conditions. Environmental Science and Technology
52, 9615-9624x. DOI : 10.1021/acs.est.8b01255
Allard T., Gautheron C., Bressan Riffel S., Balan E., Fernandes Soares
B., Pinna-Jammeb R., Deryckeb A., Morin G., Taitson Buenoe G., do
Nascimento N. (2018) Combined dating of goethites and kaolinites
from ferruginous duricrusts. Deciphering the Late Neogene erosion
history of Central Amazonia. Chemical Geology 479, 136-150. DOI
Wang Y., Le Pape P., Morin G., Asta, M., King G., Bartova B., Suvorova
E., Frutschi M., Ikogou M., Pham V.H.C., Vo P.L., Herman F., Charlet
L., Bernier-Latmani R. (2018) Arsenic speciation in Mekong Delta
sediments depends on their depositional environment. Environmental
Science and Technology 52, 3431-3439. 10.1021/acs.est.7b05177
Stetten L., Mangeret A., Brest J., Seder-Colomina M., Le Pape P.,
Ikogou M., Zeyen N., Thouvenot A., Julien A., Alcalde G., Reyss J.L.,
Bombled B., Rabouille C., Olivi L., Proux O., Cazala C., Morin G.
(2018) Geochemical control on the reduction of U(VI) to mononuclear
U(IV) species in lacustrine sediment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
222, 171-186. DOI : 10.1016/j.gca.2017.10.026
Morin G., Noël V., Menguy N., Brest J., Baptiste B.,
Tharaud M., Ona-Nguema G., Ikogou M., Viollier E., Juillot F. (2017)
Nickel accelerates pyrite nucleation at ambient temperature.
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 5, 6-11.
Noël V., Juillot F., Morin G., Marchand C., Ona-Nguema G., Viollier E.,
Prevot F., Dublet G., Maillot F., Delbes L., Marakovic G., Bargar J.R.,
Brown Jr. G.E. (2017) Oxidation of Ni-rich mangrove sediments after
isolation from the sea (Dumbea Bay, New Caledonia): Fe and Ni behavior
and environmental implications. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, doi:
10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00005 .
Dublet G., Juillot F., Brest J., Noël V., Fritsch E., Proux O., Olivi
L., Ploquin F., Morin G. (2017) Vertical changes of the Co and Mn
speciation along a lateritic regolith developed on peridotites (New
Caledonia). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 217, 1-15.
Le Pape P., Blanchard M., Brest J., Boulliard J.C., Ikogou M., Stetten
L., Wang S., Landrot G., Morin G. (2017) Arsenic incorporation in
pyrite at ambient temperature at both tetrahedral S-I and octahedral
Fe+II sites: evidence from EXAFS-DFT analysis. Environmental Science
and Technology 51, 150−158.
Le Pape P., Battaglia-Brunet F., Parmentier M., Joulian C., Gassaud C.,
Fernandez-Rojo L., Guigner J-M., Ikogou M., Stetten L., Olivi L.,
Casiot C., Morin G. (2017) Complete removal of arsenic and zinc from a
heavily contaminated Acid Mine Drainage via an indigenous SRB
consortium. Journal of Hazardous Materials 321, 764-772.
Ikogou M., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F., Le Pape P., Menguy N., Richeux
N., Guigner J.M., Noël V., Brest J., Baptiste B., Morin G. (2017)
Long-term sequestration of nickel in mackinawite formed by
Desulfovibrio capillatus upon Fe(III)-citrate reduction in the presence
of thiosulfate. Applied Geochemistry 80, 143-154.
Fernandez-Rojo L., Héry M., Le Pape P., Braungardt C., Desoeuvre A.,
Torres E., Tardy V., Resongles E., Laroche E., Delpoux S., Jouliand C.,
Battaglia-Brunet F., Boisson J., Grapin G., Morin G., Casiot C. (2017)
Biological attenuation of arsenic and iron in a continuous flow
bioreactor treating acid mine drainage (AMD). Water Research 123,
Till, JL, Guyodo, Y, Lagroix, F, Morin, G, Menguy, N, Ona-Nguema, G.
Presumed magnetic biosignatures observed in magnetite derived from
abiotic reductive alteration of nanogoethite. Comptes Rendus Geoscience
349, 63-70.
Baumgartner J., Menguy N., Gonzalez T.P., Morin G., Widdrat M., Faivre
D. (2016) Elongated magnetite nanoparticle formation from a solid
ferrous precursor in a magnetotactic bacterium. Journal of the Royal
Society, Interface 13, 20160665.
Resongles E., Le Pape P., Fernandez-Rojo L., Morin G., Delpoux S.,
Brest J., Guo S. and Casiot C. (2016) Routine determination of
inorganic arsenic speciation in precipitates from acid mine drainage
using orthophosphoric acid extraction followed by HPLC-ICP-MS.
Analytical methods 2016,8, 7420-7426.
Volant A., Héry M., Desoeuvre A., Casiot C., Morin G., Bertin P.N.,
Bruneel O. (2016) Spatial Distribution of Eukaryotic Communities Using
High-Throughput Sequencing Along a Pollution Gradient in the
Arsenic-Rich Creek Sediments of Carnoulès Mine, France. Microbial
Ecology 72, 608-620.
Bonnot C., Gélabert A., Louvat P., Morin G., Proux O., Benedetti M.F.
(2016) Trace metals dynamics under contrasted land uses: contribution
of statistical, isotopic and EXAFS approaches. Environmental Science
and Pollution Research doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6901-0, pages 1-21.
Othmane G., Allard T., Vercouter T., Morin G., Fayek M., Calas G.
(2016) Luminescence of uranium-bearing opals: Origin and use as a pH
record. Chemical Geology 423, 1-6.
Miot J., Lu S., Morin G., Adra A., Benzerara K., Küsel K. (2016) Iron
mineralogy across the oxycline of a lignite mine lake. Chemical Geology
434, 28-42.
Muehe E.M., Morin G., Scheer L., Le Pape P., Esteve I., Daus B.,
Kappler A. (2016) Arsenic(V) incorporation in vivianite during
microbial reduction of arsenic(V)-bearing biogenic Fe(III)
(oxyhydr)oxides. Environmental Science and Technology 50, 2281-2291.
Morin G., Mangeret A., Othmane G., Stetten L., Seder-Colomina M., Brest
J., Ona-Nguema G., Bassot S., Courbet C., Guillevic J., Thouvenot A.,
Mathon O., Proux O., Bargar J.R. (2016) Mononuclear U(IV) complexes and
ningyoite as major uranium species in lake sediments. Geochemical
Perspectives Letters 2, 95-105.
Adra A., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Brest J. (2016) Arsenate and Arsenite
Adsorption onto Al-containing ferrihydrites. Implications for Arsenic
Immobilization After Neutralization of Acid Mine Drainage. Applied
Geochemistry 64, 2-9. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2015.09.015
Seder-Colomina M., Morin G., Brest J., Ona-Nguema
G., Gordien N., Pernelle J.J., Banerjee D., Mathon, O., Esposito G.,
Van Hullebusch E. (2015) Uranium(VI) scavenging by amorphous iron
phosphate encrusting Sphaerotilus natans filaments. Environmental
Science and Technology 49, 14065–14075. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03148
Noël V., Morin G., Juillot F., Marchand C., Brest J., Bargar
J.R., Muñoz M., Marakovic G., Ardo S., Brown Jr. G.E. (2015) Ni cycling
in mangrove sediments from New Caledonia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 169, 82–98.
Ardo S.G., Nelieu S., Ona-Nguema G., Delarue G, Brest J., Elsa P.,
Morin G. (2015) Oxidative Degradation of Nalidixic Acid by
Nano-magnetite via Fe2+/O2-Mediated Reactions. Environmental Science
and Technology 49, 4506-4514.
Dublet G., Juillot F., Morin G., Fritsch E., Fandeur D., Brown Jr
G.E. (2015) Goethite aging explains Ni depletion in upper units of
ultramafic lateritic ores from New Caledonia. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta 160, 1-15.
Seder-Colomina M., Goubet A., Lacroix S., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G.,
Esposito G., van Hullebusch E. D., Pernelle J-J., (2015) Moderate
oxygen depletion as a factor favouring the filamentous growth of
Sphaerotilus natans. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 107, 1135-1144.
Marsac R., Davranche M., Morin G., Takahashi Y., Gruau G., Dia A.
(2015) Effect of loading on the nature of the REE-humate complexes as
determined by Yb3+ and Sm3+ LIII-edge EXAFS analysis. Chemical Geology
396, 218-227.
Till J.L., Guyodo Y., Lagroix F., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G. (2015)
Goethite as a potential source of magnetic nanoparticles in sediments.
Geology 43, 75-78.
Wang Y.H., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Brown G.E. Jr. (2014)
Arsenic(III) and Arsenic(V) Speciation during Transformation of
Lepidocrocite to Magnetite. Environmental Science and Technology 48,
Seder-Colomina M., Morin G., Benzerara K., Ona-Nguema G., Pernelle
J-J., Esposito G., van Hullebusch E. D. (2014) Sphaerotilus natans, a
neutrophilic iron-related sheath-forming bacterium: perspectives for
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Guerbois G., Ona-Nguema G., Morin G., Abdelmoula M., Laverman A. M.,
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Yi H., Balan E., Gervais C., Ségalen L., Roche D., Person A., Fayon F.,
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magnetic resonance spectroscopy: A case study from the Tugen Hills
(Rift Gregory, Kenya). Acta Biomaterialia 10, 3952 -3958.
Adra A., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Menguy N.,
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(2013) Arsenic scavenging by aluminum-substituted ferrihydrites in a
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Baumgartner J., Morin G., Menguy N., Perez Gonzalez T., Widdrat M.,
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from a phosphate-rich ferric hydroxide via nanometric ferric
(oxyhydr)oxide intermediates. Proceedings of the National Academy of
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Maillot F., Morin G., Juillot F., Bruneel O., Casiot C., Ona-Nguema G.,
Wang Y., Lebrun S., Aubry E., Vlaic G., Brown Jr. G.E. (2013) Structure
and reactivity of As(III)- and As(V)-rich schwertmannites and amorphous
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Othmane G., Allard T., Morin G., Sélo M., Llorens I., Chen H., Bargar
J., Fayek M. and Calas G. (2013) Uranium association with iron-bearing
phases in mill tailings from Gunnar, Canada. Environmental
Science and Technology 47, 12695-12702.
Othmane G., Allard T., Menguy N., Morin G., Esteve I., Fayek M., Calas
G. (2013) Letter: Evidence for nanocrystals of vorlanite, a rare
uranate mineral, in the Nopal I low-temperature uranium deposit (Sierra
Peña Blanca, Mexico) American Mineralogist 98, 518-521.
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Blanchard M., Morin G., Lazzeri M., Balan E., Dabo I. (2012)
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Dublet G., Juillot F., Morin G., Fritsch E., Fandeur D., Ona-Nguema G.,
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Guyodo Y., Sainctavit P., Arrio M.A., Carvallo C., Penn R.L., Erbs
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Pantke, C., Obst M., Benzerara K., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Dippon U.,
Kappler A. (2012) Green rust formation during Fe(II) oxidation by the
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& Technology, 46, 1439-1446.
Charlet L, Morin G, Rose J, Wang YH, Auffan M, Burnol A,
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Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343 (2-3): 123-139.
Maillot F., Morin G., Wang Y., Bonnin D., Ildefonse P., Chaneac C.,
Calas G. (2011). New insight into the structure of nanocrystalline
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Hohmann C., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Guigner J.M., Brown Jr.
G.E., Kappler A. (2011) Molecular-level modes of As binding to Fe(III)
(oxyhydr)oxides precipitated by the anaerobic nitrate-reducing
Fe(II)-oxidizing Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. Geochimica et
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Wang YH; Morin, G; Ona-Nguema, G; Juillot, F; Calas G; Brown, GE (2011)
Distinctive Arsenic(V) Trapping Modes by Magnetite Nanoparticles
Induced by Different Sorption Processes. Environmental Science &
Technology, 45, 7258-7266.
Juillot F., Maréchal C., Morin G., Jouvin D., Cacaly S., Telouk
P., Benedetti M., Ildefonse P., Sutton S., Guyot F., Brown Jr. G.E.
(2011) Contrasting isotopic signatures between anthropogenic and
geogenic Zn and evidence for post-depositional fractionation processes
in smelter-impacted soils from Northern France. Geochimica et
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Benzerara, Karim; Miot, Jennyfer; Morin, Guillaume (2011) How some
bacteria can oxidize iron in the absence of dioxygen: implications for
environmental science and the search of ancient traces of life.
Actualite Chimique 356, 102-104.
Benzerara K, Miot J, Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Skouri-Panet F, Ferard C.
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low-temperature phases. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 343 (2-3): 177-187.
Balan E., Delattre S., Roche D., Segalen L., Morin G, Guillaumet M.
Blanchard M., Lazzeri M., Brouder C., Salje E.K.H. (2011)
Line-broadening effects in the powder infrared spectrum of apatite.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 38(2), 111-122.
Bruneel O., Volant A., Gallien S., Chaumande B., Casiot C., Carapito
C., Bardil A., Morin G., Brown G.E., Jr., Personne C.J., Le Paslier D.,
Schaeffer C., Van Dorsselaer Alain., Bertin P., Elbaz-Poulichet F.,
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Egal M., Casiot C., Morin G., Elbaz-Poulichet F., Cordier M.A., Bruneel
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and Arsenate on Green Rust: an EXAFS and XANES study. Environmental
Science and Technology 44, 109-115.
Ona-Nguema G. Morin G., Wang Y., Foster. A. Juillot F., Calas G., Brown
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Juhin A., Morin G., Elkaïm E., Frost D. J., Fialin M., Juillot F.,
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situ deprotonation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74(3), 953-966.
Morin G., Wang Y., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F., Calas G., Menguy M.,
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Ona-Nguema G., Morin G., Wang Y., Menguy N., Juillot F., Olivi L.,
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Brown JR. G.E. (2009) Arsenite sequestration at the surface of
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Miot, J.; Morin, G.; Skouri-Panet, F.; Férard, C.; Poitevin A.; Aubry,
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Speciation of Arsenic in Euglena gracilis Cells Exposed to As(V).
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Lahlil S., Bouquillon A., Morin G., Galoisy L., Lorre C. (2009)
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Fakih M., Davranche M., Dia A., Nowack B., Morin G., Petitjean P.,
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Cancès B., Juillot F., Morin G., Laperche V., Polya
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Change in arsenic speciation through a contaminated soil profile: a XAS
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XAS Study of Arsenic Coordination in Euglena gracilis Exposed to
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V., Ildefonse Ph. and Morin G. (1996) Assessment of archeological
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Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 126, 109-119.
V., Ildefonse Ph. and Morin G. (1995) Chemical and structural
changes in Cervus elaphus tooth enamel during
(Lazaret cave): a combined IR and XRD Rietveld analysis. Applied
10, 145-159.
B., Baronnet, A. and Morin G. (1994) La saliotite,
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phyllosilicate du
métamorphisme de haute pression basse
température. European
Journal of Mineralogy 6, 897-911
arsenic speciation in
earth surface environments: importance of iron oxides. Goldschmidt
Conference, Cologne, August 2007.
Arsenic Speciation in Soils and Aquifers: Role of Iron Oxides. 3rd
Annual Meeting of the Stanford Environmental Molecular Science
Institute. August 13-14, 2007.
Arsenic in soils, mine tailing and former industrial sites. 20th
General Meeting International Mineralogical Association,Kobe, Juillet
XAS monitoring of Arsenic (Bio-)Oxidation and Immobilisation in Soils
and Acid Mine Drainage. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Septembre 2002.
Molecular-level speciation of lead and arsenic in soils over
geochemical anomalies. EUG 11, Strasbourg, 2001.
of lead and arsenic in soils and acid mine drainage, ETH
Zürich, Suisse, mai 2007.
speciation in soils and aquifers: role of iron oxides,
Université de Tuebingen, Allemagne, mai 2008.
Mobilité de l'arsenic dans les sols et les eaux :
Contrôles minéralogiques et microbiens.
Généraux de l’Institut de Physique du
Globe de
Paris, oct. 2008.
Matériaux, minéraux et environnement : les
données par les rayons X. Réunion annuelle des
utilisateurs Panalytical, Paris, Mai 2006.
Cristallochimie de l’arsenic et mesures directes de sa
spéciation. Etude comparée de
différents sites.
Journées d'étude sur l'arsenic en milieu minier,
Société de l'Industrie Minérale,
Septembre 2000.
La spectrométrie RPE. Réunion
"Méthodes analytiques en Minéralogie", SFMC,
Paris, Mai 2000
Evidences directes du piégeage des métaux par des
matières organiques dans les sols et les eaux. Colloque
INRA-Versailles, 3-4 juin 1999.
Intégration des différentes méthodes
d'étude de la spéciation des métaux
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RPE des éléments de transition. galerne 94, Le
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G.E., Jr., Kendelewicz, T., Trainor, T.P., Tanwar, K.S., Chaka, A.M.,
Bluhm, H., Starr, D.E., Yamamoto, S., Nilsson, A., Catalano, J.G.,
Benzerara, K., Yoon, T.H., Morin, G., Ona−Nguema, G.,
F., Cances, B., and Calas, G., (2007) Recent advances in surface,
interface, and environmental geochemistry. In: Water−Rock
Interaction−12, Proc. 12th Internat. Water−Rock
Interaction−12, Proceedings of the 12th International
Water−Rock Interaction Conference, Kunming, China (Thomas
and Yanxin Wang, eds.), Taylor & Francis Publishers, London,
1, pp. 3−11.
F., Morin, G., Hazemann, J-L., Proux, O., Belin, S., Briois, V., Brown,
G.E., Jr., and Calas, G. (2007) EXAFS signatures of structural Zn at
trace levels in layered minerals. Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Proc., 13th
Int. XAFS Conf. 882, 247-249.
Jr. G.E., A. Nilsson, A.M. Spormann, W. P. Addiego, K. Benzerara, U.
Bergmann, H. Bluhm, B. A. Brown, G. Calas, A.M. Chaka, B.R. Constantz,
F. Farges, S. E. Fendorf, A.L. Foster, F. Juillot, G. Morin, S.C.B. M,
L.G.M. Pettersson, K.M. Rosso, J.J. Rytuba, M. Salmeron, J. Saltzman,
M. Toney, T.P. Trainor, and T. Yoon (2006) The Stanford Environmental
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Juillot, G. Calas (2005) Environmental Interfaces, Heavy Metals,
Microbes, and Plants Applications of XAFS Spectroscopy and Related
Synchrotron Radiation Methods to Environmental Science. Proceedings of
the XAFS 12 conference, Malmö, Sweden, Physica Scripta, T115,
I., G. Morin, Ch. Brouder, C. Vignaud, M. Menu (2005) The history of a
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spectroscopic study, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on
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I., Vignaud C., Champagnon B., Panczer G., Brouder C., Morin G.,
Solé A., Charlet L., and Menu M. (2002) From Mastodon ivory
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Ph. Morin G., Juillot F., Calas G., Samama J.C., Brown Jr. G.E.,
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sandstone, Ardèche, France: Lead speciation. Proc. 5th Int.
Symp. Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface, Reykjavik/Iceland,
16-20 August 1999, Balkema, 385-388.
L, Calas G., Ramos A., Le Grand M., Allard T., Morin G., Fillet C. and
Pacaud F. (1998) Evolution of the structure of simulated nuclear
glasses with the introduction of noble metals. in "Le verre: recherche
scientifique pour un confinement de haute performance", Actes de
l'Université d'Eté du CEA/Valrho, p 59-64.
G. et Morin G. (1994) Résonance paramagnétique
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Spectroscopies de résonances paramagnétiques
électroniques: du cristal à l'amorphe, de
l'isolant au
conducteur, D. Gourier et F. Taulelle, Eds, Proceeding, GALERNE 94, Mt
St Odile, 9-14 octobre 94 . pp 48.
G., Ildefonse P., Bonnin D., Bouzat G. (1992) A quantitative Rietveld
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Proceedings of the 7th International symposium on Water-Rock
Interaction, Park City, Utah, USA. 13 - 19 july 1992, 2,
Bio-geo-chemistry of minor (Fe, Mn) and trace
elements (As, Pb, Zn) in soils and sediments
speciation (oxidation state, molecular environment) is a key parameter
controlling the mobility, toxicity, and bioavailability of chemical
elements in surface waters, aquifers, soils and sediments. This
parameter directly depends on interactions between solute species,
mineral surfaces, organic and biologic substances within heterogeneous
natural systems.
We have quantitatively determined chemical species of
environmentally relevant minor and trace elements using solid
state physics methods (XRD, XAS). The spatial distribution of these
chemical species has been integrated on various scales, from the
landscape (geochemical budgets) to the soil microstructures
(µSXRF, MEB, electron-microprobe, TEM).
Our work has addressed contaminated systems (smelter impacted soils,
sewage sludge contaminated soils, acid drainage) and natural
geochemical anomalies, in order to compare mechanisms of trace elements
immobilization at short and long term, respectively. Combining
spectroscopic, mineralogical, geochemical, microbiological data,
collected thanks to integrated research programs, allowed us to find
evidences of recurrent sinking mechanisms for lead, zinc and arsenic in
soils and surface waters. Such information crucial for
predicting the fate of these trace elements at the Earth's surface.
More recently we investigated in the field and at the laboratory, the
role of microorganisms on the formation and evolution of iron minerals,
in relation with the sinking of associated trace elements, at redox
interfaces, e.g. acid mine drainage and oxic-anoxic transitions in
soils and sediments.
Lead in polluted soils from Nord Pas-de-Calais,
evidence of the importance
of adsorption processes in soils.
We have conducted a mineralogical investigation of smelter-contaminated
soils from Evin-Malmaison, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France. Bulk
concentrations range from 460 to 1900 ppm in the topsoils. These
concentrations necessarily raise human health and environmental
concerns, but bioavailability and chemical lability of Pb in these
materials vary dramatically and show little correlation with bulk
concentrations. Our study provides detailed information on the
speciation of Pb in these materials. We emphasize the identification
and characterization of poorly crystalline and/or fine-grained species,
such as sorption complexes and poorly crystalline (co)precipitates,
which are likely to control Pb bioavailability and mobility in these
natural systems. Because these samples are heterogeneous, multi-phase
mixtures, a variety of bulk analytical methods were employed, including
powder x-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement, scanning electron
microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, and synchrotron-based x-ray
absorption and micro-fluorescence spectroscopies. The synchrotron-based
techniques enabled identification of amorphous or nanocrystalline
Pb-containing phases, and the spatial distribution of Pb at the 25
µm scale. Applying these techniques in conjunction with
and chemical separation techniques, we are able to identify and
characterize a number of species not amenable to detection by
conventional microanalytical techniques. We find direct spectroscopic
evidence for Pb sorbed to humic acids, as well as to both manganese and
iron (oxyhydr)oxides. These various sinking mechanisms may account for
the weak mobility of lead in both soils. (From Morin et al. American
Mineralogist 1999)
Arsenic in soils over geochemical
anomalies, Echassières, Allier, France
Arsenic sorption on iron oxides
as an ultimate sink for arsenic after long term weathering.
Changes in arsenic speciation in a soil profile developed on
FeAsS and FeAs2
mineralized schists in the Echassières region, Allier,
Concentrations of As, Cu, and Zn indicate some enrichment relative to
the bedrock in the upper part of the saprolite (B and C1 horizons) and
a progressive depletion towards surficial A2–A00 horizons. SEM
photograph displaying the typical euhedral cubic crystals of
pharmacosiderite (Ph) formed
after hydrothermal weathering of primary
iron–arsenic sulfides minerals. XRD
patterns show the progressive disappearance of this crystalline towards
the upper part of the saprolite; the main Bragg reflections of
muscovite (Mu) and biotite (Bt) are also indicated. Fourier
filtered contributions of the second neighbor contributions to the
EXAFS spectra at As K-edge indicate that As
is adsorbed on
HFO in topsoils horizons. Modified from Morin et al. (2002)
Arsenic in
acid mine drainage
The key role of microorganisms in
immobilizing arsenic in acid mine drainage. Massive
bacterial oxidation of iron and arsenic leads to the formation of
spectacular outcrops of arsenic-bearing (up to 20 wt% As) sediments and
meter-wide stromatolites (bottom center) at the Carnoulès
France) acid mine drainage. The proportion of seasonally alternating
As(III) and As(V) species associated with ferric oxides can be
quantified by XANES spectroscopy (right). SEM micrograph of
winter sediments (top right) shows the close association between Acidithiobacillus ferrooxydans,
which oxidizes only Fe(II), and a Fe(III)-arsenite, tooeleite (Morin et
al. Amer Mineral
2007). This rare mineral, with a distinctive layer structure (top
center) is the main component of the stromatolite (bottom left). from
Morin & Calas, Elements
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