Raman lab

Olivier BEYSSAC - CV

Directeur de Recherche au CNRS / CNRS senior scientist

Born 1974, two children.

2010 : Habilitation - University Paris 7.

1998-2001: PhD in in Geology at ENS Paris/Orsay university.
1995-1999: Earth Sciences Magistere (ENS Paris). Degree: Bachelor and Master in Earth sciences.
September 1995: Admission at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Paris.

since 2013 : CNRS senior scientist (directeur de recherche) at UMR 7590, IMPMC Paris.

2009 - 2013 : CNRS scientist (charge de recherche) at UMR 7590, IMPMC Paris.
2003 - 2009 : CNRS scientist (charge de recherche) at UMR 8538, laboratoire de Geologie ENS Paris.
2003 - 2004 : Visiting scientist at Geological and Planetary Sciences division, CalTech, Pasadena, USA.
2002 - 2003 : Postdoctoral fellow, Service Photons Atomes Molecules, CEA Saclay.

Administrative responsibilites

Member of the CNRS evaluation and hiring panel in Earth Sciences (Comite National CNRS section 18 2008-2012).
Member of the evaluation panel (AERES) for laboratories/institutes: CRPG Nancy (2012), Georessources Nancy (2012).
Member of hiring committees for faculty positions at Grenoble (2011) and Nancy (2009) universities.
Member of the CNRS-INSU comite thematique CT4 Interrvie Geobiology (2012-2015).
Head of the Geobiology group at IMPMC (2014-).

Scientific responsibilites

Co-I instrument SuperCam NASA Mars 2020
Editorial review board
Terra Nova.
Co-editor with Doug Rumble of special issue of Elements on 'Graphitic Carbons'. December 2014.
Principal investigator of research projects funded by ANR, UPMC, CNRS, INSU, Mairie de Paris, IFP and Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres.
Reviewer for funding agencies: CNRS, INSU, ANR, NSF.
Co-organizer with Jay Ague (Yale) of a DCO workshop on 'Tectonic fluxes of Carbon' pre-AGU 2013.
Member of the Scientific committee for international workshops (GEEA 2010, CorseAlps 2011). Several scientific sessions organized at workshops and international conferences.


2010: Grand prix Michel Gouilloud - Schlumberger from the french Academy of Sciences.

2010: Laureate of an Emergence Grant from the council of the city of Paris.
Carbonaceous material in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks: origin (biogenic/abiotic, fossilization processes), chemical and structural evolution (roles of P, T, t, chemistry) and weathering processes (preservation/alteration of graphitic carbons during erosion).
Some research projects:
# Calibration and development of RSCM thermometry 
# Thermal metamorphism in various mountain belts
# Generation of abiotic organic carbon in rocks
# Fossilization processes of organic matter. Mineralogy/organic petrology in fossils 
# Erosion and the fate of petrogenic organic carbon
# Carbon cycling in subduction zones

Mars exploration and Mars mineralogy (I am co-investigator for the SuperCam instrument of the NASA Mars 2020 mission)

PhD students (co-)advised: Sylvain Bernard (2008), Abdeltif Lahfid (2008), Franck Bourdelle (2011), Matthieu Galvez (2011), Francesca Piccoli (2014-), Amaury Fau (2016-).
Postdocs : Marta Marocchi (2011-2012), Sabrina Berlendis (2011-2013), Alberto Vitale Brovarone (2012-2014).
Tools : field geology, HRTEM, Raman, IR, XRD, STXM-XANES.
Fieldwork : European Alps, Corsica, Norway, Nepal, Taiwan, New Zealand, California, Vietnam.

I run a Raman spectroscopy lab at IMPMC including (i) Renishaw InVia Reflex with 514 nm wavelength and Renishaw InVia Reflex with 532 and 785 nm wavelengths (both optimized for Raman mapping) and (ii) a homemade time-resolved Raman spectroscopy experiment.

Raman lab