Olivier BEYSSAC - Raman lab
has a long tradition in using Raman spectroscopy and several setups are
available in the institute.
I am in charge of the following
instruments. Please contact me for further details.
Renishaw InVia spectrometers
The lab is equipped with two
Renishaw InVia Raman microspectrometer. One spectrometer is equipped
with a 514 nm laser and is optimized for advanced spectroscopy in particular for the case of graphitic carbon as well as basic
Raman mapping. The second spectrometer is equipped with 532 nm and 785
nm lasers and is a versatile instrument allowing for high-quality
spectroscopy and advanced Raman mapping.
Time-resolved Raman and fluorescence 'SuperCam' instrument
are team members of the SuperCam instrument of the NASA Mars 2020
mission that will perform LIBS and time-resolved Raman spectroscopy on
Mars. We have set a unique homemade time-resolved Raman spectrometer.
The microscope configuration is now operationnal and allows for
acquisition of high-quality spectra with time resolution down to the
sub-nanosecond. In the near future the system will be equipped with a
telescope allowing for remote analysis in a Mars chamber of rocks and