Publication list
of Andrea Gauzzi
Institut de Mineralogie et de Physique des Milieux
University Pierre and Marie
Curie, Paris
(updated: 16 September
90. Maximum Tc at the verge of a simultaneous order-disorder
and lattice-softening transition in superconducting CaC6
A. Gauzzi, N. Bendiab, M. d’Astuto, B. Canny, M. Calandra,
F. Mauri, G. Loupias, N.
Emery, C. Hérold, P. Lagrange, M. Hanfland,
and M. Mezouar, Phys. Rev. B 78, 064506-1-4
89. Absence of
superconductivity down to 80 mK
in graphite intercalated BaC6
Nakamae, S., Gauzzi
A., Ladieu F., L'Hote D.,
Emery N., Herold C., Mareche
J.F., Lagrange P., and Loupias G., Solid State
Comm. 145, 493-6 (2008).
Progress on Single Buffer Layered Coated Conductors Prepared by Thermal
Gauzzi, A., Baldini, M., Bindi, M., Bissoli, F., Gilioli, E., Ginocchio,
S., Pattini, F., Rampino,
S., Zannella, S., IEEE Trans. on Applied
Superconductivity 17, 3413–6 (2007).
In-Situ Oxidation of Superconducting YBCO Films by a Supersonic
O2 Beam
Rampino, S., Gauzzi,
A., Baldini, M., Bindi, M.,
Gilioli, E., Ginocchio, S., Rocca,
M., Zannella, S., IEEE Trans. on
Applied Superconductivity 17,
3286–9 (2007).
86. Long-wavelength
dispersion of transverse acoustic phonons in untwinned YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals
Gauzzi A., d’Astuto
M., Licci F., Bossak
A., Krisch M., Phys. Rev. B 75, 144511/1-4
Progress in the continuous deposition of YBCO coated conductors by thermal co-evaporation
Gilioli E., Gauzzi
A., Bindi M., Rampino S., Pattini F., Bissoli F., Ginocchio S., Baldini M., Zannella S., Science and Engineering of Novel
Superconductors ISBN: 3908158036, 17-24 (2007).
Enhancement of superconductivity and evidence of structural instability in
intercalated graphite CaC6 under high pressure
Gauzzi A., Takashima S., Takeshita N., Terakura C., Takagi
H., Emery N., Herold C., Lagrange P., Loupias G., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 067002/1-4 (2007).
83. Magnetism of
pure and electron-doped BaVS3 as seen from μSR
Allodi G., Prodi,
A., De Renzi R., Licci, F.,
Bolzoni, F., Guidi G., Gilioli, E., Gauzzi, A., Marezio M., and Scheuermann, R., Physica B 374-375, 44-46 (2006).
High pressure growth of NaMn7O12 crystals
Gilioli E., Calestani
G., Licci F., Paorici C., Gauzzi A., Bolzoni F., Prodi A., Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179,
3839-48 (2006).
Critical exponents and amplitudes of the ferromagnetic transition in La0.1Ba0.9VS3
Cabassi R., Bolzoni
F., Gauzzi A., Licci F.,
Phys. Rev. B 74, 184425/1-5 (2006).
Dielectric properties of doping-free NaMn7O12: Origin of
the observed colossal dielectric constant
R. Cabassi,
F. Bolzoni, A. Gauzzi, E. Gilioli, A. Prodi, and F. Licci, Phys. Rev. B 74, 045212/1-6 (2006).
Multi-chamber deposition system for continuous production of YBCO coated
conductors by thermal co-evaporation
Bindi M., Canetti
M., Gangini F., Gauzzi A.,
Gianni L., Gilioli E., Rampino
S., Zannella S., J. of Physics 43, 130-3
Unusual eg 3dx2-y2
orbital ordering and low energy excitations in the CE structure of NaMn7O12
Gauzzi A., Gilioli
E., Prodi A., Bolzoni F., Licci F., Marezio M., Calestani GL., Affronte M., Huang
Q., Santoro A., Lynn J., J. of Superconductivity 18, 675-80 (2005).
High resolution measurements of the magnetic penetration depth on YBa2Cu4O8
single crystals
Lamura G., Gauzzi
A., Kazakov S.M., Karpinski
J., Andreone A., J. of the Physics and Chemistry of
Solids. 67, 447-9 (2006).
Chemical pressure induced modifications on the magnetic and electronic
properties of Ba1-xSrxVS3
Franchini C., Sanna
A., Massidda S., Gauzzi A.,
Europhys. Lett. 71, 952-8 (2005).
High-Jc coated conductors with a simple
buffer layer architecture
Gianni L., Baldini
A., Bindi M., Gauzzi A., Rampino S., Zannella S., Physica C 426-431, 872-7 (2005).
Crystal growth and structural refinement of NaMn7O12
Gilioli E., Licci
F., Calestani G., Prodi A.,
Gauzzi A., Salviati G.,
Crystal Research and Technology. 40, 1072-5 (2005).
Preparation and characterization of powders and crystals of Vn-xTixO2n-1
Magneli oxides
Calestani D., Licci
F., Kopnin E., Calestani
G., Gauzzi A., Bolzoni F., Besagni T., Boffa V., Marezio M., Crystal Research and Technology. 40, 1067-71 (2005).
Discrete model analysis of the critical current density measurements in
superconducting thin films by a single coil inductive method
Aurino M., Di Gennaro E., Di Iorio F., Gauzzi A., Lamura G., Andreone A., J. of Appl. Phys. 98, 123901/1-7 (2005).
P-T phase diagram and single crystal structural refinement of NaMn7O12
Gilioli E., Calestani
G., Licci F., Gauzzi A., Bolzoni F., Prodi A., Marezio M., Solid State Sciences 7, 746-52 (2005).
P-T phase diagram of NaMn7O12, a double manganese perovskite-like oxide
Gilioli E., Calestani
G., Licci F., Gauzzi A., Bolzoni F., Prodi A., Marezio M., Journal of Crystal Growth 275, 877-80
Continuous deposition of thermally co-evaporated YBCO-CeO2-Ni coated
Gauzzi A., Bindi
M., Gianni L., Ginocchio S., Zannella
S., Baldini A., Holzapfel
B., Bolzoni F., IEEE Trans. Appl.
Superconductivity 15, 2628-31 (2005).
Role of electronic correlations on the ground state properties and on the
pressure induced metal insulator transition in BaVS3
Sanna A., Franchini
C., Massidda S., Gauzzi A.,
Phys. Rev. B 70, 235102/1-12 (2004).
Search for new cuprate and non cuprate
superconducting oxides
Kopnin E., Boffa
V., Marezio M., Takayama-Muromachi
E., Sato A., Matsui Y., Calestani D., Licci F., Gauzzi A., Bordet P., Applied
Superconductivity 2003. Proc. VI European Conf. on Appl.
Superconductivity, Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 181. 207-8
(2004), IB: 0750309814.
Magnetic response of the CE structure in the doping-free system NaMn7O12
Bolzoni F., Prodi
A., Gauzzi A., Gilioli E., Licci F., Marezio M., Phys. Rev.
B 71, 52404/1-4 (2005).
High critical current density in YBCO coated conductors prepared by thermal
Bindi M., Botarelli
A., Gauzzi A., Gianni L., Ginocchio
S., Holzapfel B., Baldini
A., Zannella S., Superconductor Science and
Technology 17, 512-16 (2004).
Charge, orbital and spin ordering phenomena in the mixed valence manganite (NaMn3+3)(Mn3+2Mn4+2)O12
Prodi A., Gilioli
E., Gauzzi A., Licci F., Marezio M., Bolzoni F., Huang Q.,
Santoro A., Lynn J.W., Nature Materials 3, 48-52 (2004).
Chemical pressure induced ferromagnetism and stabilization of the metallic
state in Ba1 xSrxVS3
Gauzzi A., Licci
F., Barisic N., Calestani
G.L., Bolzoni F., Gilioli
E., Marezio M., Sanna A., Franchini C., Forro L., Int. J.
of Mod. Phys. B. 17, 3503-8 (2003).
Deposition and characterization of YBCO-CeO2 thin films prepared by
thermal co-evaporation on metallic tapes
Bindi M., Botarelli
A., Gauzzi A., Gianni L., Baldini
A., Zannella S., IEEE Trans. Appl.
Superconductivity 13, 2628-31 (2003).
Correlation between local oxygen disorder and electronic properties in
superconducting RESr2Cu3O6+X (RE=Y,Yb)
Prodi A., Gauzzi
A., Gilioli E., Licci F., Marezio M., Bolzoni F., Allodi G., De Renzi R., Bernardini F., Massidda S., Profeta G., Continenza A., Radaelli P.G., Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17,
873-8 (2003).
60. Chemical tailoring of electronic doping in
Gilioli E., Licci F., Prodi A., Gauzzi A., Marezio M., Int. J. Mod. Phys.
B 17, 685-9 (2003).
59. In-situ deposition of YBCO/CeO2
on biaxially textured Ni alloy tapes
by thermal co-evaporation
Bindi M., Gianni L., Zannella S., Botarelli A., Baldini
A., Gauzzi A., Tuissi A., Int. J. Mod. Phys.
B 17,
468-76 (2003).
Doping dependence of the low energy excitations in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d
: evidence for thermal phase fluctuations
Lamura G., Le Cochec
J., Gauzzi A., Licci F., Di Castro D., Bianconi A., Bok J., Phys. Rev. B 67, 144518/1-7 (2003).
Structural, transport, and electronic properties of a layered dichalcogenide AuVS2 with semimetallic
Gauzzi A., Gilioli
E., Licci F., Marezio M., Calestani G., Franchini C., Massidda S., Phys. Rev. B 66, 85106/1-7 (2002).
Superconductivity and microstructure of YSr2Cu3O6.875
Lebedev O.I., Van Tendeloo
G., Licci F., Gilioli E., Gauzzi A., Prodi A., Marezio M., Phys. Rev. B 66, 132510/1-4 (2002).
Superconducting and structural properties of YBCO/CeO2/Ni-Cr14 tapes
prepared by thermal co-evaporation
Baldini A., Bindi
M., Botarelli A., Gauzzi
A., Gianni L., Ginocchio S., Tuissi
A., Villa E., Zannella S., Physica
C 372-376, 1385, (2002).
Study of the electrodynamic response of MgB2
sintered pellets and thin films
Andreone A., Di Gennaro E., Lamura G., Salluzzo M., Le Cochec J., Gauzzi A., Cantoni C., Paranthaman M., Ceresara S., Giunchi G., Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 16, 599 (2002).
Granularity induced gapless superconductivity in NbN
films: Evidence of thermal phase fluctuations
Lamura G., Villegier
J.-C., Gauzzi A., Le Cochec
J., Laval J.-Y., Placais B., Hadacek
N., Bok J., Phys. Rev. B 65, 1045071 (2002).
Magnetic penetration depth measurements in MgB2 sintered pellets and
thin films
Lamura G., Di Gennaro E., Salluzzo M., Andreone A., Le Cochec J., Gauzzi A., Cantoni C., Paranthaman M., Christen D.K., Christen H.M., Giunchi G., Ceresara S.
Phys. Rev. B 65,
0205061 (2002).
Gapless state in low and high Tc
superconductors: evidence for thermal phase fluctuations
Lamura G., Le Cochec
J., Gauzzi A., Villegier
JC., Licci F., Placais B., Di Castro D., Bianconi A., Bok J. Physica C 364-365,
235 (2001).
Effects of Re substitution on the structure and superconductivity of Cu1-xRexBa2YCu2Ow
Licci F., Gauzzi
A., Marezio M., Huang Q., Santoro A., Masini R., Bougerol-Chaillout C.,
Bordet P., Physica C 355,
267 (2001).
Crystal and electronic structures of superconducting YSr2Cu3O6+x
Gauzzi A., Gilioli
E., Licci F., Marezio M., Massidda S., Bernardini F., Continenza A., Radaelli P.G.,
Proc. of the SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering 4058,
12 (2000)
Effect of doping on the linear temperature dependence of the magnetic
penetration depth in cuprate superconductors
Le Cochec
J., Lamura G., Gauzzi A., Licci F., Revcolevschi A., Erb A., Deutscher G., Bok J., Physica C 341-348,
1669 (2000).
Effects of substitutions of copper at the chain site on the transport and
magnetic properties of YBa2Cu2(Cu1-xMx)O6+w
Guaglio G., Gauzzi
A., Licci F., Marezio M., Ferro
P., Bolzoni F., Masini R.,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 14, 2809 (2000).
High pressure synthesis and characterization of YSr2Cu3Ow
Gilioli E., Gauzzi
A., Besagni T., Licci F., Marezio M., Radaelli P.G., Int.
J. Mod. Phys. B 14, 2658 (2000).
Importance of phase fluctuations for the magnetic penetration depth of
conventional and cuprate superconductors
Lamura G., Le Cochec
J., Bok J., Gauzzi A., Licci F., Villegier J.-C., Placais B., Mathieu P., Revcolevschi
A., Erb A., Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 14,
2932 (2000).
Structure and superconductivity of YSr2Cu3O7-d
Gilioli E., Radaelli
P.G., Gauzzi A., Licci F., Marezio M., Physica C 341-348,
605 (2000).
Mechanical against chemical pressure in the Y(Ba1-xSrx)2Cu3O7-d
Marezio M., Gilioli
E., Radaelli P.G., Gauzzi
A., Licci F., Physica C 341-348,
375 (2000).
Scaling between superconducting critical temperature and structural coherence
length in YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Gauzzi A., Jonsson-Akerman
B.J., Clerc-Dubois A., Pavuna
D., Europhys. Lett. 51, 667 (2000).
Chemical pressure for optimizing Tc in a
given superconducting system
Marezio M., Licci
F., Gauzzi A., Physica C 337,
195 (2000).
Structural and electronic properties of Hg1-yMoyBa2CuO4+d
Franchini C., Massidda
S., Continenza A., Gauzzi
A., Phys. Rev. B 62, 9163 (2000).
Can the structure of the Ti or V Magneli binary
oxides host superconductivity?
Marezio M., Gauzzi
A., Licci F., Gilioli E., Physica
C 338, 1 (2000).
Very high resolution measurement of the penetration depth of superconductors by
a novel single coil inductance technique
Gauzzi A., Le Cochec
J., Lamura G., Jonsson
B.J., Gasparov V.A., Ladan
F.R., Placais B., Probst
P.A., Pavuna D., Bok J.,
Rev. Sci. Instr. 71,
2147 (2000).
The effect of chemical pressure on Tc of layered cuprate superconductors
Marezio M., Licci
F., Gauzzi A., Advances in Superconductivity XI. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Superconductivity
ISS'98. 1999: 31 6 vol.1
IB: 4431702563
Scaling between localization length and Tc in
disordered YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., International Journal of Modern Physics B. 20 Dec. 1999, 13(29 31): 3601 4
Strategies for increasing the critical temperature of superconductors
Marezio M., Licci
F., Gauzzi A., Proceedings of the SPIE The
International Society for Optical Engineering. 1998, 3481: 2 9
34. Sr substitution for Ba in Y(Ba1-xSrx)2Cu3O7-d
at varying d
Licci F., Gauzzi
A., Marezio M., Radaelli
GP., Masini R., Chaillout Bougerol C., International Journal of Modern Physics B. 20
April 1999, 13(9 10): 967 72
The spectrum of thermodynamic fluctuations in short coherence
length superconductors
Gauzzi A., Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors. Proceedings.
1998: 423 41, IB: 0306459345
Structural and electronic effects of Sr substitution
for Ba in Y(Ba1-xSrx)2Cu3Ow
at varying w
Licci F., Gauzzi
A., Marezio M., Radaelli
GP., Masini R., Chaillout Bougerol C., Physical Review B Condensed Matter. 1 Dec.
1998, 58(22): 15208 17
Microstructure and strain relaxation in YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3 xGaxO7 superlattices
Contour J P., Drouet M., Durand O., Maurice J L., Gauzzi
A., Physica C. Aug. 1997, 282 287: 689 90
Relevant scale of structural disorder for carrier localization in YBa2Cu3O6.9
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Journal of Superconductivity. Aug. 1997, 10(4): 411 13
Critical length of disorder for the onset of localization in YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Gauzzi A., Jonsson
BJ., Clerc Dubois A., Pavuna
D., Proceedings of the SPIE The International Society
for Optical Engineering. 1996, 2697: 273 83
28. Importance of
out of plane dispersion of the excitation spectrum of superconducting bilayers with Josephson coupling
Gauzzi A., Bok
J., J. of Superconductivity 9, 523 (1996).
Comments on "Ion beam sputter deposition of YBa2Cu3O7
delta thin films"
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Kellett BJ., James JH
Journal of Materials Research.
Oct. 1995, 10(10): 2676 7
Comparison of the E-J characteristics of several YBa2Cu3O7-d
thin films
Physica C. 1 April 1996, 260(1 2): 143 8
Quantitative analysis of lattice disorder and superconducting transition in epitaxial YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Journal of Superconductivity. Feb. 1996, 9(1): 23 5
Homogeneous lattice disorder and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O6.9
Pavuna D., Gauzzi
A., Fizika A. Sept. Dec. 1995, 4(3): 591 8
Evidence for nonuniversal behavior of paraconductivity caused by predominant short wavelength
Gaussian fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O6.9
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Phys. Rev. B 51, 15420-8 (1995).
Studies on radiation detectors using high Tc
Bloyet D., Robbes
D., Langlois P., Gilabert
A., Aboudihab I., Kreisler
A., Depond J M., Pavuna D.,
Gauzzi A., Dwir B., Villegier J C., Ghis A., Jager A., Pourtier F., Physica C. Dec. 1994, 235 240: 3391 2
Quantitative analysis of growth induced reduction of long range lattice order
in ion beam sputtered YBa2Cu3O6.9 films
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 1836-8 (1995).
3d X-Y scaling of the resistivity and the effect of
disorder in YBa2Cu3O7-d
thin films
Effects of lattice disorder on the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O6.9
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., Physica C 235-240, 1305 (1994).
Preparation., processing and tunneling in YBa2Cu3O7-d Pb
native barrier structures
Frangi F., Dwir
B., James JH., Gauzzi A.,
17. Non universal behaviour of paraconductivity in YBa2Cu3O7-d films
Gauzzi A., Pavuna
D., J. of Alloys and Compounds 195, 647 (1993).
Non universality of critical exponents in the paraconductivity
of short coherence length superconductors
Gauzzi A., Europhys.
21, 207 (1993).
Lateral homogeneity of YBa2Cu3O7-d films by Auger electron spectroscopy
Gauzzi A., Bauer M., Pavuna
D., Xanthopoulos N., Mathieu HJ., Licci
F., Materials Letters. Sept. 1992, 14(5 6): 259 62
Large area ion beam sputtered YBa2Cu3O7-d films for novel device structures
Gauzzi A., Lucia ML., Kellett
BJ., James JH., Pavuna D., Proceedings of the SPIE
The International Society for Optical Engineering. 1992,
1597: 128 34.
Preparation and characterization of YBa2Cu3O7-x
samples for microwave applications
Fabbricatore P., Gauzzi
A., Gemme G., Musenich R., Parodi R., Romanengo D., Zhang B
Journal of Superconductivity.
Feb. 1992, 5(1): 55 65.
Optimization of large area YBa2Cu3O7 x films by single target ion beam
Gauzzi A., Lucia ML., Affronte
M., Pavuna D., Physica C. 1
Dec. 1991, 185 189: 2563 4
Large area superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x films
grown by single target ion beam sputtering
Gauzzi A., Lucia M.L., Kellett
B.J., James J.H., Pavuna D., Physica
C 182, 57 (1991).
Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 films for novel (opto)electronic device structures
Pavuna D., Dwir
B., Gauzzi A., James JH., Kellet
BJ., Proceedings of the SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering.
1991, 1362: 102 16
Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 films on Si and Ga/As with conducting indium tin oxide buffer layers
James JH., Kellett
BJ., Gauzzi A., Dwir B., Pavuna D., Proceedings of the SPIE The International
Society for Optical Engineering. 1991, 1394: 45 61
8. AES
analysis of ion beam sputtered superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 x films on SrTiO3 and
on ITO/Si
Gauzzi A., Kellett
BJ., James JH., Dwir B., Mathieu HJ., Pavuna D., Key Engineering Materials. 1990,
48: 183 990
Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films on GaAs
with conducting indium tin oxide buffer layers
Kellett BJ., Gauzzi
A., James JH., Dwir B., Pavuna
D., Reinhart FK, Applied Physics Letters. 10 Dec. 1990, 57(24): 2588 90
Ion beam co deposition of HTSC films on SrTiO3 and ITO/Si
Pavuna D., Kellett
BJ., Dwir B., James JH., Gauzzi
A., Faulkner J., Affronte M., Reinhart FK,
Proceedings of the SPIE The International Society for
Optical Engineering. 1990, 1285: 248 58
5. Ion
beam co deposition of HTSC films on SrTiO3 and ITO/Si
Pavuna D., Kellett
BJ., Dwir B., James JH., Gauzzi
A., Faulkner J., Affronte M., Reinhart FK,
Proceedings of the SPIE The International Society for
Optical Engineering. 1990, 1287: 166 76
4. AES,
XPS and SIMS characterization of YBa2Cu3O7
superconducting high Tc thin films
Gauzzi A., Mathieu HJ., James JH., Kellett B, Vacuum 41, 870 (1990).
In situ growth of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films on Si with conducting indium tin oxide buffer layers
Kellett B.J., James J.H., Gauzzi A., Dwir B., Pavuna D., Reinhart F.K., Appl.
Phys. Lett. 57, 1146 (1990).
Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 thin films grown in
situ by ion beam
Kellett B.J., James J.H., Gauzzi A., Dwir B., Pavuna D., Physica C 162-164,
713 (1989).
In-situ superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 thin films
grown by ion beam co-deposition
James JH., Kellett
BJ., Gauzzi A., Dwir B., Pavuna D., Appl. Surf. Sci. 43, 393 (1989).