Slavica Jonic – University teaching, Mentoring, PhD thesis committees





Biomedical Engineering (University of Belgrade, undergraduate, 1996-1998), Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing (EPFL, undergraduate, 1999-2003), and Electron Microscopy Image Processing (UPMC, MSc level, 2007-2009 and University of Belgrade, PhD level, 2008-2010)




Mentor or co-mentor for more than 30 students at various levels of study (4 postdoc, 6 PhD, 14 MSc, 8 BSc) in 4 countries (Serbia, Switzerland, France, Spain)


·       PHD thesis defense and follow-up committees (other than my own PhD students)

6 thesis juries (twice reviewer), 3 follow-up committees



Slavica Jonic    Modified 06/05/2023