Amélie Juhin > Communications  



Invited talks at international conferences and schools

  1. Energy Materials Nanotechnology, 2-4 September 2015, San Sebastian (Spain). Hard X-ray RIXS-MCD, a magnetic spectroscopy for in situ characterization of nanoparticles and their internal structure.
  2. Tutorial on Ligand Field Multiplet Calculations- User Dedicated Microsymposium – ESRF Users Meeting 2015, Feburary 2015, Grenoble (France).
  3. EUSPEC COST Action “Modern Tools for Spectroscopy on Advanced Materials”, First Whole Action Meeting, Louvain La Neuve (Belgium), 15-17 September 2014. RIXS-MCD: a bidimensional photon-in, photon-out magnetic spectroscopy
  4. SOLEIL Users Meeting SUM2014, Saint-Aubin (France) 23-24 January 2014. RIXS-MCD: a bidimensional photon-in, photon-out magnetic spectroscopy. 
  5. Workshop on Fundamental Aspects of X-ray Spectroscopies: the role of the 2p core hole in XAS and RIXS. Utrecht (Netherlands), 20-21 Feburary 2013. RIXS-MCD: a new photon-in, photon-out magnetic spectroscopy.
  6. International Mittelwihr School on Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation, Mittelwihr (France), 14-19 October 2012 - Tutorial on Ligand Field Multiplet Calculations
  7. CTM4XAS 2012 Winter School, Utrecht (Netherlands), 13-14 Feburary 2012. Application of Ligand Field Multiplet Theory to the calculation of dichroisms.
  8. The Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Systems, Utrecht (Netherlands), 21 October 2010. Strong K-edge Magnetic Circular Dichroism detected by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.
  9. ESRF Users Meeting 2009, Grenoble (France), 4-5 February 2009. Coupling XMCD and RIXS at the K edge of transition metal ions: an outloook.
  10. Short course Emission (Luminescence) and Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: Basis and Applications in Earth Sciences. Vienne (Austria), 3-7 March 2008. The origin of the colour of Cr-containing minerals: experimental and theoretical investigation of spinel and pyrope garnet.

Contributed talks at international conferences 

  1. 16th conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAFS16, 23-28 August 2015, Karlsruhe (Germany). Hard X-ray RIXS-MCD, a magnetic spectroscopy for in situ characterization of nanoparticles and their internal structure.
  2. Workshop on Future Challenges for the Theory of X-ray Spectroscopy, Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom), 10-11 April 2013. RIXS-MCD: a bidimensional photon-in, photon-out magnetic spectroscopy.
  3. 7th International Conference on Inelastic X-ray Scattering, Grenoble (France), 11-14 October 2010. Strong K-edge Magnetic Circular Dichroism detected by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.
  4. X-ray Spectroscopy of Magnetic Solids (XRMS), Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom), 10-11 June 2010. Strong K-edge Magnetic Circular Dichroism detected by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.
  5. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAFS 14, Camerino (Italy), 26-31 juillet 2009. From local to itinerant model of X-ray Absorption: application to the calculation of X-ray Natural Linear Dichroism.
  6. RIXS Workshop, ESRF (France), 29 June – 1st July 2009. Magnetic Circular Dichroism effects in the Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at the K pre-edge of 3d ions.
  7. International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, Aracaju (Brazil) 24-29August 2008. The origin of the colour of Cr-containing minerals: experimental and theoretical investigation of spinel and pyrope garnet.
  8. ECMS 6 (6th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy), Stockholm (Sweden), September 2007. Theoretical and experimental investigation of the structural relaxation around substitutional Cr3+ in MgAl2O4.
  9. Frontiers in Mineral Sciences, Cambridge (United Kingdom), June 2007.  First-principles calculations of XANES spectra. Application to the case of Cr3+ in spinel.


  1. 16th conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAFS16, 23-28 August2015, Karlsruhe (Germany). First-principles calculations of the Cr K pre-edge and near-edge structures in ZnCr2O4
  2. Users Meeting 2013, SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France), 23-24 January 2013. Application of RIXS-MCD to thin magnetic multilayers and bimagnetic core-shell nanoparticles.
  3. Workshop X Ray Spectroscopy in High Magnetic Field, SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France), 16-17 November 2010. Strong K-edge X-ray Circular Magnetic Dichroism detected by RIXS.
  4. ESRF Users meeting 2010, Grenoble (France), 10-11 février 2010, ESRF Best poster award. Strong K-edge X-ray Circular Magnetic Dichroism detected by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering.
  5. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure XAFS 14, Camerino (Italy), 26-31 July 2009. Combining RIXS and XMCD in the hard x-ray range.
  6. 10th session of the Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Conference, Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands), March 2009. The local structure of chromium impurities in oxides probed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and ab initio calculations.
  7. International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials, Aracaju (Brazil), 24-29 August 2008. Angular dependence of Cr and V K-pre-edge in cubic compounds.
  8. 21st International Conference on X-ray and Inner-shell processes. Paris (France) June 2008. Structural and electronic environment of substitutional Cr in MgAl2O4.
  9. Users Meeting 2008, SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France), January 2008. Angular dependence of Cr and V K pre-edge in cubic compounds.
  10. Journées de Simulation NUMérique: 13ème édition, Campus Boucicaut, Paris, June2007. First-principles investigation of trace element incorporation in minerals: the case of Cr3+ in spinel.
  11. Users Meeting 2007, ESRF, Grenoble (France), February2007. Red or green: the origin of the color of Cr-spinels.
  12. Users Meeting 2007, SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France), January 2007. Red or green: the origin of the color of Cr-spinels.
  13. 36th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Québec (Canada), May 2006. Best poster award


In the last ten years I have given 8 seminars in different institutes, amongst which, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Utrecht University 

(The Netherlands), Bayerisches GeoInstitut (Bayreuth, Germany) and AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland).