Photo d'identité de Feriel Skouri-Panet
Ingénieur de recherche
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Case postale 115,
4 place jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
Fax: 01-44-27-37-85
Tour 23 – Couloir 22/23 – 5e étage – Porte 20
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•      Curriculum Vitae (pdf) •      Settling in Jussieu University Campus
•      Publications (pdf)  
  Research Interests

I’m interested in the study of interactions between microorganisms and rocks, which include the formation “biomineralisation” or alteration of minerals, and the role of proteins in natural environments. Some of my research projects are listed below:

- Microbial formation of calcium phosphates

- Iron oxidation by neutrophilic anaerobic bacteria (

- Microbial iron and arsenic oxidation in the Carnoules river (France)

- Calcification & nannobacteria (

- Small Heat Shock Proteins (sHSP) superfamily: cellular resistance to environmental stress, stress marker, sequence-structure-function relationships.


Techniques: molecular biology (cloning, mutagenesis..), biochemistry (electrophoresis 1D and 2D, chromatography, activity assays…) and biophysics (X-rays and light scattering)


  Selected Publications

Skouri-Panet F.,Quevillon-Cheruel S., Michiel M., Tardieu A. and Finet S. (2006) « sHSPs under temperature and pressure : the opposite behaviour of lens alpha-crystalins and HSP26 ». Biochim Biophys Acta. 1764(3): 372-83.

Simon S., Michiel M., Skouri-Panet F., Lechaire J-P., Vicart P. and Tardieu A.(2007) «The Residue R120 Is Essential for Quaternary Structure and Functional Integrity of human alphaB-crystallin». Biochemistry; 46(33):9605-14.

Miot J., Morin G., Skouri-Panet F., Férard C., Aubry E., Briand J., Wang Y., Ona-Nguema G, Guyot F. and Brown G. E. (2008) «XAS Study of Arsenic Coordination in Euglena gracilis Exposed to Arsenite». Environ. Sci. Technol.; 42(14) :5342-47

Miot J., Benzerara K., Morin G, Kapler A., Bernard S., Obst M., Ferard C., Skouri-Panet F., Guignier J-M., Posth N., Galvez M., Brown G; and Guyot F.(2009) “iron biomineralization by anaerobic neutrophilic iron-oxydizing bacteria”. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta,: 73( 3) :696-711.

Miot J., Morin G., Skouri-Panet F., Ferard C, Poitevin A., Aubry E, Ona-Nguema G, Juillot, F.Guyot F., and Brown GE.(2009). “Speciation of arsenic in Euglena gracilis cells exposed to As(V)” Environ Sci Technol., 43(9):3315-21.

Michiel M., Skouri-Panet F., Duprat E ;, Simon S., Férard C., Tardieu A. and Finet S. (2009). «Abnormal assemblies and subunit exchange of B- crystallin R120 mutants could be associated with destabilization of the dimeric subsstructure » Biochemistry, 48:442-453.

Michiel M., Duprat E., Skouri-Panet F., Lampi JA., Tardieu A., Lampi KJ, Finet S. (2010). “Aggregation of deamidated human betaB2-crystallin and incomplete rescue by alpha-crystallin chaperone”. Exp Eye Res, 90(6):688-698

Tardieu A, Michiel M, Skouri-Panet F, Duprat E, Simon S and Finet S. “From sequence to pathology: the required integrity of the structure-dynamics-function relationships at the molecular level.” Review chapter in: “Small stress proteins in human diseases.” by Simon S and Arrigo AP, Nova Sciences Publishers, 2010, in press.

  Professional Experience
  ~ Now : CNRS full time research engineer position, Institut de Minéralogie et Physique de la Matière Condensée, Paris
  Set-up and management of a Microbiology/Biochemistry laboratory at IMPMC
Training of master degree and PhD students in Microbiology/Biochemistry
  Research Association at IPGP, Géobiosphère Actuelle et Primitive (
  1998-2001: Postdoctoral research associate, Laboratoire de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie de Paris

Guillaume Morin, IMPMC (
-Bacteria and Arsenic in the Carnoules acid mine drainage

Stéphanie Finet and Elodie Duprat, (IMPMC)
-small Heat Shock Protein superfamily against stress : sequence-structure-function relationships

Claire Carvallo (IMPMC) and Eva Moreno (MNHN, Paris
-Magnetic nanoparticules and stress molecular response

Kirsten Lampi (OHSU, Oregon)
- Aging post-traductional modifications of lens crystallins

Patrick Vicart and Stéphanie Simon (Université Paris7 Denis Diderot, Paris)
-small Heat Shock Proteins and human diseases