photo identité Marco Saitta

A. Marco Saitta

Full Professor - Deputy Dean of the Physics Faculty
Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie (IMPMC)

Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Sorbonne

Tel : +33 1 44 27 22 44
Email : marco.saitta *at*

Research group
A. Marco Saitta, Full professor
Fabio Pietrucci, Assistant professor
Andrea Perez Villa, Postdoc
Silvio Pipolo, Postdoc
Sara Laporte, PhD student
Adrien Mafety, PhD student
Félix Mouhat, PhD student
Mathieu Moog, undergraduate student
Responsable du parcours Physique de la Matière Condensée du Master ICFP de l'ENS, UPMC, UPD, UPS, X
Director of the Paris International School on Advanced Computational Materials Science of the MATISSE LabEx and the Sorbonne Universités IDEX
Responsable de l’UE 3P004 - Structure de la Matière, tronc commun du L3 de Physique, parcours monodisciplinaire et physique-maths
Responsable de l'UE 5P446 - Computational Materials Science du Master Sciences des Materiaux et Nano-Objects (SMNO)
Présentation de l'UE
Directeur-Adjoint de la Faculté de Physique de l’UPMC
Membre nommé de la Section 05 du Comité National du CNRS
Membre élu du Conseil de la Faculté de Physique de l’UPMC
Latest news: November 2016
Invited Speaker at Public Debate A l'Origine de la Vie at Le Forum du CNRS
Keynote Speaker at High-performance multiscale modelling Zurich
Latest news: October 2016
Invited Stay at Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research (HPSTAR) in Shanghai
Adrien and Sara are PhD, congratulations!
Latest news: September 2016
Nominated Member of the Section 05 of the Comité National du CNRS (Condensed Matter: Structure and Dynamics)
Invited Speaker at the Colloque Sciences de la vie, sciences de l'information
Invited Speaker at the NIM Conference on Molecular Origins of Life
Latest news: August 2016
Second edition of the Paris International School on Advanced Computational Materials Science
Speaker at the American Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2016
June 2016
Organiser of the press debate on the origins of life
Chairman of the CECAM Workshop Atomistic simulations in prebiotic chemistry – a dialog between experiment and theory in Jussieu campus
Invited Speaker at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Latest news: May 2016
Invited Speaker at the General Seminar of the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
Latest news: April 2016
Nominated Fellow of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti founded in 1729
Latest news: March 2016
Pre-registration for the Paris International School for Advanced Computational Materials Science 2016 is open until March 2016!
Giuseppe is a Doctor (Europaeus), bravo!
Latest news: February 2016
Group photo!
Latest news: January 2016
Invited Speaker at the Gordon Research Conference "Origins of Life" Galveston, TX, USA
Latest news: December 2015
Invited Speaker at the XXVII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics Guwahati, India
Andrea Perez Villa joins the group as a postdoc!
Latest news: November 2015
New paper on PNAS !! Formamide reaction network: toward a reconciliation of different prebiotic scenarios
Invited Seminar at the Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris
Invited Speaker at the French Society for Exobiology
Latest news: October 2015
Research Internship SMNO/Nanomat/CAPT: Ab initio metadynamics study of CO2 polymerization at extreme conditions POSITION FILLED
New paper on PNAS: Sulfur radical species form gold deposits on Earth
Media coverage:
Our ab initio simulations on France2!
(from 11m05s)
Latest news: September 2015
Designated as responsible of the Condensed Matter Physics parcours of the ICFP Master
Speaker at FisMat, Palermo
Speaker at CECAM Workshop From trajectories to reaction coordinates: making sense of molecular simulation data, Vienna
Speaker at 1st Electroporation World Congress, Portoroz (SLO)
Latest news: August 2015
Keynote talk at the The Environmental Conditions for the Emergence of Life on Earth symposium at Goldschmidt Conference, Prague 2015
Latest news: Juillet 2015
Sara Laporte, PhD student, publishes her first paper on PCCP! Strong electric fields at a prototypical oxide/water interface probed by ab initio molecular dynamics: MgO(001)
Latest news: June 2015
Co-chair of the CECAM workshop Atomistic simulations in Earth Sciences
Latest news: May 2015
New paper on PNAS: Effect of salt on the H-bond symmetrization in ice
Latest news: April 2015
Featured in the Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif (GENCI) 2014 report
Adriaan A. Ludl, PhD student of our group, 1st author of our new paper in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. on salty ices!
Latest news: March 2015
Invited Seminar at the Earth and Planetary Science Laboratory of EPFL, Lausanne
Invited speaker of the monthly Colloquium Pierre et Marie Curie
Latest news: Feb 2015
Invited Colloquium at the Department de Physique de l'ENS
Invited Seminar at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Italy
Latest news: Jan 2015
Giuseppe Cassone, PhD student of our group, 1st author of our new paper in J. Chem. Phys. on methanol under electric field!
New paper in PNAS on formamide reactivity
Latest news: Dec 2014
Invited Seminar at Mesu Day of the Institut du Calcul et de la Simulation de l'UPMC
Latest news: Nov 2014
Invited Seminar at Laboratoire LERMA (Observatoire/UPMC)
Giuseppe Cassone, PhD student of our group, 1st author of our new paper in J. Phys. Chem. B on ices under electric fields
Invited Seminar at Laboratoire P.A.S.T.E.U.R. (ENS/UPMC)
Latest news: Oct 2014
My PhD advisor, Stefano Baroni, speaks at the SISSA Master in Communication of Science (part on Miller paper starts at 3:40)
Adrien Mafety, PhD student of our group, and our work on Ionic ammonia in the Synchrotron Soleil news!
Latest news: Sept 2014
Our new PNAS paper: In silico Miller experiments (Sept 8th)
(click on logos to access press alerts & reports)
(Radio news interview starts at 6:01)
Recent news: Aug 2014
Fabio Pietrucci joins the group as Assistant Professor
Sara Laporte, OxyMORE PhD student, wins the European Physical Society poster award at the Condensed Matter in Paris conference!
Main research subjects
Reactivity in intense electric fields (project OxyMORE)
Materials under extreme conditions (projects ANR-MOFLEX, ANR-PACS, ANR-BCNOP, and LabEx MATISSE)
Water, solutions, and molecular systems (projects ANR-SOUMET and LabEx MATISSE)
Web of Science bibliometric data
Google Scholar page
ResearchGate page
European High-Pressure Research Group Young Scientist Award (2006)
European High-Pressure Research Group Young Scientist Award (2006)
Publications, among which:
PNAS (2014) (In silico Miller experiments)
Sci. Rep. (2014) (High-pressure superconducting nitride)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2013) (High-energy density CO/N2 crystal)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2013) (Water diffusion in the Gigapascal range)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2012) (Water under electric field)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2012) (Superionic ammonia)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2011) (High pressure salty water)
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2010) (Graphene nanoribbons)
Nature Materials (2009) (High pressure salty ice)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009) (High pressure CO2)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2008) (Graphene nanoribbons)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2008) (Non-adiabatic DFT)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2007) (Carbon nanotubes)
Nature Materials (2007) (High-pressure phosphorus)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2006) (Water at extreme conditions)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2006) (Ab-initio optical spectra)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005) (Polyamorphic ices)
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2004) (Amorphisation of ordinary ice)